Android Studio Build 菜单的选项包括
The Android Studio Build menu has options including
Make Project
Rebuild Project
When should I use each?
大多数时候您应该使用 Make Project.有时,在添加库并对项目进行重大更改后,您应该使用重建项目.
Most of the time you should use Make Project. Sometimes, after adding libraries and making big changes to the project you should use Rebuild Project.
如果您查看菜单,您会看到Make Project 和Compile 具有键盘快捷键,这表明它们经常被使用.其他的很少使用.
If you look at the menu, you'll see that Make Project and Compile have keyboard shortcuts, that suggests that they are often used. Others are seldom used.
它与 IntelliJ Idea 相同.
It is the same as IntelliJ Idea.
编译 编译指定范围内的所有源文件.这种情况下的作用域可能是一个文件、一个包等.
Make Project 编译整个项目中自上次编译以来修改过的所有源文件.如果合适,还会编译相关的源文件.此外,执行与修改源的编译或制作过程相关的任务.例如,如果在验证页面上启用了相应的选项,则执行 EJB 验证.
Make Project All the source files in the entire project that have been modified since the last compilation are compiled. Dependent source files, if appropriate, are also compiled. Additionally, the tasks tied to the compilation or make process on modified sources are performed. For example, EJB validation is performed if the corresponding option is enabled on the Validation page.
Make Module Compiled 是所选模块及其递归依赖的所有模块中自上次编译以来修改过的所有源文件.
Make Module Compiled are all the source files that have been modified since the last compilation in the selected module as well as in all the modules it depends on recursively.
Rebuild Project 重新编译项目中的所有源文件.当类路径条目发生变化时,这可能是必要的,例如,添加、删除或更改了正在使用的 SDK 或库
Rebuild Project All the source files in the project are recompiled. This may be necessary when the classpath entries have changed, for example, SDKs or libraries being used added, removed or altered
复制自 IntelliJ Idea 13 帮助.
这篇关于Android Studio 中 make 和 build 的区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!