


I'm trying to remove all SMS messages from the device via my app, but for some reason SMS logs still appear on the call log on some of the Samsung devices.

我已经尝试了更激进的做法,并删除了以下URI的使用 ContentResolver的

I've tried a more "radical" approach, and deleted the following URI's using the ContentResolver:

  • 内容:// call_log /电话

  • 内容://短信

  • 内容://短信/收件箱

  • 内容://短信/发送

  • 内容:// MMS /收件箱

  • 内容://彩信

  • 内容:// MMS短信

  • 内容:// MMS /地址

  • 内容:// MMS /部分

  • 内容:// MMS /发送

  • 内容:// MMS /发件箱

  • content://call_log/calls
  • content://sms
  • content://sms/inbox
  • content://sms/sent
  • content://mms/inbox
  • content://mms
  • content://mms-sms
  • content://mms/address
  • content://mms/part
  • content://mms/sent
  • content://mms/outbox


Delete was done with the following simple code:

ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver() ;
cr.delete(uri, null, null) ;


The result was that all text messages are deleted from the device, call log is clear from calls, BUT still contains SMS logs (for SMS messages that does not exist).


All the tables which are mentioned above are indeed empty at the end of the process, but I can't find the relevant source which the call log fetches it's SMS data from.


I've found the following posts on the subject, but still with no working solution:

  • SMS are duplicated as Calls(Samsung galaxy S II)
  • Samsung device returns text messages when querying for call-log

我要事先声明,我知道在 CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 的LOGTYPE列..不相关由于这样的事实,该表是现在空的,数据不会从那里来了。

I'll state in advance that I know about the "logtype" column at CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI.. Not relevant due to the fact that this table is now empty, and data is not coming from there.


找到了答案 -


In order to get access to Samsung call logs we need to add a couple of Permissions to the manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="com.sec.android.provider.logsprovider.permission.READ_LOGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="com.sec.android.provider.logsprovider.permission.WRITE_LOGS" />

现在,我们所要做的就是使用的内容解析删除日志类型400,410,700,200,300,从内容600和500://日志/ historys如下:

Now, all we have to do is to use the content resolver to delete log types 400, 410, 700, 200, 300, 600 and 500 from content://logs/historys as follows:

    mContext = getActivity(); // Assuming that you are doing this from within a Fragment

        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='400'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='410'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='700'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='200'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='300'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='600'", null);
        mContext.getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://logs/historys"), "logtype='500'", null);
    catch(Exception exception)


Worked like a charm for me.


08-04 04:07