我怀疑一个懂得VB6的有能力的程序员会发现 相对容易迁移到VB.NET 但要学习VB首先是相当一步的,而且VB的价格远远高于VB。 Hello,I want to start with learning VB for my work. I''m a Industrial Automationengineer and i want to know what the difference is between VB6 and VB.NET.Is VB.NET just an anaother word for VB.7 ??Regards Arie 解决方案VB.NET is a very different animal from VBThe idea of VB.NET is that it should run on the .NET platform, whichis a huge support library (as is Win32)There are a number of other languages that do/will run on the .NETplatformThis platform is designed to be (to some extent) hardware independant,so the languages are semi compiled, then properly compiled using JITon the users machineOn can think of .NET as a massive Java EngineVB6 is a language that runs directly on Win32, sure it needs a runtime support DLL - MSVBVM60.DLL but that is trivial compared with the..NET requirementsIt is possible that .NET will become wide spread, at present it is inits infancy.It is also possible that people writing other than massive corporatesystems will ignore .NETPersonally I prefer to stay away from the ''bleeding edge'' of newtechnology - as do most others in this NGVB.NET is designed by a guy poached from Borland- the guy who designed Delphi- I''ve not looked that closely at VB.NET, but my understanding is thathe has ''imported'' a lot of concepts from Delphi, that are not presentin VB6I suspect that a competent programmer who understands VB6 would findit relatively easy to migrate to VB.NETHowever to ''learn'' VB in the first place is quite a step, and there isa lot more to VB than meets the eye.There is, and will be, no VB 7; VB as a language ends with VB 6. 这篇关于VB6和VB.NET有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-06 02:33