本文介绍了达到 Gmail SMTP 每日限制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的一个 Rails 应用程序中,我通过 Gmail SMTP 服务器发送电子邮件,一切正常,邮件不会成为垃圾邮件等等......但是有一件事情让我担心,500messages/SMTP 的天 限制,目前我每天超过 350 个.我没有找到他们谈论这个主题的任何官方谷歌页面,只是似乎可靠的博客文章.那么我的问题是为了能够每天发送超过 500 条消息,您有什么建议?我愿意继续使用 Gmail SMTP.

In one of my Rails applications I'm sending emails through the Gmail SMTP server and everything just works, mails are not going to spam and so on ... But there's one thing that concerns me, the 500messages/day limit the SMTP has, currently I'm over 350/day. I didn't find any official Google page where they talk about the subject, just blog posts that seems to be reliable. Then my question is what do you suggest me in order to be able to send more than 500messages/day? I would love to keep using the Gmail SMTP.



不要将 GMail 用于它不适合的用途.它的设计初衷不是群发电子邮件系统,尽管 Google 绝对有能力做到这一点.

Don't use GMail for what it wasn't built for. It wasn't designed as a mass-email system, although Google definitely has the firepower to do this.

相反,也许使用 SendGrid 之类的东西来发送您的电子邮件.SendGrid 是为此设计的,并且与 GMail 相比,设置起来同样简单(实际上,可能更容易).

Instead, perhaps use something like SendGrid to send your emails. SendGrid is designed for this and is just as easy (actually, probably easier) to set up with than GMail.

这篇关于达到 Gmail SMTP 每日限制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 11:05