


As the question asks, why doesn't the below code work:

while True:

我正在通过python 3.5.2控制台在pycharm中执行以上操作.我最初以为是上下文问题,但是在阅读了文档之后,我还没有更进一步了解为什么会发生此错误.

I am executing the above in pycharm via python 3.5.2 console.I initially thought it was a context issue but after reading the documentation, I haven't come closer to understanding why this error ocurs.

SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop



I understand that it works without exec() by the way, I'm curious why it won't work with exec (as my circumstances required it) - comprehensive answers welcome.



This is because exec() is ignorant to your surrounding while loop. So the only statement that exec() sees in your example is break. Instead of using exec("break"), simply use break as is.

exec()函数的唯一访问是globals()locals()字典. exec() 的文档提供了有关exec()的一些见解作品:

The only access the exec() function has to its surrounding scope, is the globals() and locals() dictionaries. The documentation for exec() provides some insight into how exec() works:


In all cases, if the optional parts are omitted, the code is executed in the current scope. If only globals is provided, it must be a dictionary, which will be used for both the global and the local variables. If globals and locals are given, they are used for the global and local variables, respectively. If provided, locals can be any mapping object. Remember that at module level, globals and locals are the same dictionary. If exec gets two separate objects as globals and locals, the code will be executed as if it were embedded in a class definition.

如果globals词典不包含键 builtins 的值,则在该键下插入对内置模块buildins的词典的引用.这样,您可以通过将自己的 builtins 字典插入全局变量中,然后再将其传递给exec(),来控制执行的代码可以使用哪些buildins.

If the globals dictionary does not contain a value for the key builtins, a reference to the dictionary of the built-in module builtins is inserted under that key. That way you can control what builtins are available to the executed code by inserting your own builtins dictionary into globals before passing it to exec().


08-23 01:37