


If we are declaring any class as static class and also member variable in that class as static. What will exactly happen? Is it good to do so?

Public static class DataManager
 public static List<int> productIDs=new List<int>();
// Some code....


"Is it good to do so?"

imho,当你做出一个有意识的选择时它是最好的 e使用静态实现方法,因为它是你的代码所做的,它的使用方式,你的意图和应用程序设计的有机结果。




'static in .NET的重要用途包括:




C#中的'静态访问修饰符是滥用,imho,当它被用作创建等效全局变量的方法时(如JavaScript和Visual Basic中所见),以避免在对象/类之间传递对象/数据/状态的更正式技术/ controls。

imho, it is "best" when you have made a conscious choice to use a static implementation method because it is an "organic" consequence of what your code does, how it is used, and your intent, and application design.

It may be helpful if you ask yourself this question every time you use the 'static keyword:

"Do I intend/need/want for this (whatever) to be the one-and-only-one of this ? Depending on your culture, you might also think of that part of the (typical "western") marriage vows that says "forsaking all others ... until death do us part." :)

Keep in mind that public classes that can be instantiated with 'new can have static variables, methods. In fact .NET itself is full of examples of this: i.e., the 'String object.

Among important uses of 'static in .NET are:

1. constructing utility classes that provide libraries of static methods (or extension methods).

2. in creating 'singleton Classes

3. in implementing the 'Factory Pattern

The 'static access modifier in C# is "abused," imho, when it is used as a way to create the equivalent of global variables (as found in JavaScript, and Visual Basic) in order to avoid more "formal" techniques for passing objects/data/state between objects/classes/controls.


07-29 18:56