

我有运行Delphi 2007应用程序的Windows Server 2008 R2计算机.更新:当前无法选择切换Delphi版本.我有Delphi XE,但是在进行任何切换之前,有300,000多行代码需要检查.

I have Windows Server 2008 R2 Machine that is running a Delphi 2007 application. Update: Switching Delphi versions is currently not an option. I have Delphi XE but there are over 300,000 lines of code to review before any switch can occur.


I have run into a problem where I would like to step through the code. I don't want to install Delphi on the machine, so I have installed the remote debugger.


  1. 使用远程调试符号编译应用程序
  2. 将应用程序和远程调试符号复制到远程位置.
  3. 在远程计算机上启动命令提示符(以管理员身份运行).
  4. 为rmtdbg105进程启用了服务器防火墙例外.
  5. 在命令提示符下运行 rmtdbg105 -listen
  6. 我运行要调试的进程.
  7. 在本地计算机上,我选择附加到进程",然后选择远程进程.
  8. 按附加


Behavior observed: Remote Process locks up and stops running, and so does Delphi on my machine.


I have waited several minutes just in case it caused by some type of network performance problem.


Is there step I am missing? I am looking for a way to get this to work.


移回Delphi 7,或回到Delphi XE,然后重试.[升级到XE可能需要一些工作,因为您需要将源代码移植到unicode delphi语言级别.]

Move back to Delphi 7, or up to Delphi XE, and try again. [Moving up to XE might be a bit of work, because you need to port your sources up to unicode delphi language level.]

我从未没有使Delphi 2007远程调试可靠地工作.当我使用Delphi 2007时,您也看到了一些冻结的信息.我发现,最近重启PC时,冻结的频率降低了.重新启动后,您可能会得到更多使用,然后再重新启动.

I never did get Delphi 2007 remote debug to work reliably. The freeze-ups you see are something I remember too, when I was using Delphi 2007. I found that it froze less often when the PC had been rebooted recently. After a reboot you might get a few more uses, before you need to reboot again.


07-25 06:30