本文介绍了PGP / GPG签名的Python代码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想(PGP / GPG)签署python代码。是的,我已阅读以及许多其他讨论的网站保护混淆 python代码 - 这一切都我想要的。我不想混淆代码。

I'd like to (PGP/GPG) sign python code. Yes, I have read this and many other sites that talk about protecting and obfuscating python code - this all is not what I want. I DON'T want to obfuscate code.I want customers and users to see the code, they could modify code, copy it and make derivative work, I'd like to have the software under the GPLv3.But I want to have plugins that are "signed", so they can be kind of trusted during execution.


Is this possible in Python? Can I import a library after checking its gpg signing?What would be easy: check the gpg signing of a file, and then load it via import, else raise an exception. But this only would be possible for single-file-imports, not directory python modules.

很明显,如果客户更改了程序中的GPG密钥,或者在检查算法中自己删除了一些行,一切都消失了 - 但这不是问题。
他可以做任何他想做的事 - 但这很愚蠢。
我想让他通过将其复制到插件目录中来添加第三方插件,并让程序检查插件的可信度 - 然后导入它。

It is clear that, if the customer changes the GPG key in the program, or deletes some lines himself in the checking algorithm, all is gone - but this is not the problem.He could do anything he wants - but this would be silly.What he wants is trustworthiness.I want to let him add a third party plugin by copying it into a "plugins" directory, and have the program check the plugin for "trustworthiness" - and then import it.(So he could run plugins that are not signed, but with his own risk.)



Python's import mechanism already provide all the tools necessary to achieve what you want. You can install different kinds of import hooks in order to support what you want.


In particular you'll probably find convenient to install a meta path hook that searches for "signed modules" and returns a Loader that is able to perform the imports from this signed format.

签名插件的一种非常简单方便的格式是 zip 存档包含:

A very simple and convenient format for your signed plug-ins would be a zip archive containing:

  1. 模块/包形式的插件代码

  2. A上述代码的PGP签名


  • 您的装载机应打开拉链包装,并检查签名。如果它匹配,那么你可以安全地加载插件,如果它不匹配你应该让用户信任插件(或不插入和中止)

  • 如果用户想要修改插件,只需解压缩 zip 存档并按照自己的意愿修改它。

  • 从<$ c导入$ c> zip 档案已在模块。这意味着您不必从头开始重写加载器。

  • Your loader should unpack the zip, and check the signature. If it matches then you can safely load the plug-in, if it doesn't match you should ask the user to trust the plug-in (or not and abort)
  • If the user wants to modify the plug-in it can simply unpack the zip archive and modify it as he wishes.
  • Imports from zip archives are already implemented in the zipimport module. This means that you don't have to rewrite a loader from scratch.

实际上,如果您想将钩子的代码减少到您只需要验证签名,然后将 zip 存档的路径添加到 sys.path 中因为即使没有明确使用 zipimport ,python也已经处理了从 zip 归档的导入。

Actually if you want to reduce the code for the hooks to the minimum you'd simply need to verify the signature and then add the path to the zip archive into sys.path, since python already handles imports from zip archive even without explicitly using zipimport.


Using this design you just have to install these hooks and then you can import the plug-in as if they were normal modules and the verification etc. will be done automatically.

这篇关于PGP / GPG签名的Python代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 17:20