I have a Panel control. And inside the panel users can add combobox's, textbox's labels etc and drag them around and stuff, and there's a Delete button on my form where if they click it, it will delete all controls inside that panel. BUT this code:
foreach( Control control in panel.Controls )
... 不能正常工作.它并不总是处理面板内的所有控件.有时它会去除大部分,有时它只会去除一两个.有时除了 1 之外的所有内容都已处理.跆拳道?
... Does not work properly. It doesn't always Dispose of ALL the controls inside the panel. Sometimes it gets rid of most of them, sometimes it only gets rid of one or two. Sometimes all but 1 are Disposed. WTF?
Here is the code I use to add the controls to the Panel:
button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox tbox = new TextBox();
tbox.Multiline = true;
tbox.IsAccessible = true;
A simpler way to delete all your controls is to do this:
感谢 Pieter 和 Paolo,像这样调用 Clear() 会泄漏内存,因为控件没有被释放,所以这不是一个好的做法.
thanks to Pieter and Paolo, just calling Clear() like this will leak memory since the controls are not disposed, so this is not a good practice.
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