I'm working on a website that utilizes essentially a database with a table of organizations, one row for each organization. Each organization can have an unlimited number of attached keywords. The keywords are represented in a separate table from the organizations where each row is simply the primary key, the keyword, and the primary key of the organization it is attached to. Eventually this table could have many thousands of entries. Will this making pulling records from this table, as well as listing unique keywords in the table, too time consuming?
Having a couple of hundred thousands rows is perfectly fine, as long as :
- 它们的索引正确
- 并且您的查询已正确完成(例如,使用正确的索引)
我正在开发一个应用程序,该应用程序在几个表上执行大量查询,每个表中有数十万条记录,具有联接,而不是简单" where子句,并且该应用程序运行良好-很好,因为我们已经优化了查询和索引^^
I'm working on an application that's doing lots of queries on several tables with a couple of hundred thousands records in each, with joins and not "simple" where clause, and that application is working fine -- well, since we've optimized the queries and indexes ^^
在这种情况下,几百万行也是可以的,我要说的-取决于您要执行哪种类型的查询(以及其中的多少个 )^^
A couple of million rows, in those conditions, is OK too, I'd say -- depends on what kind of queries (and how many of those) you'll do ^^
In every case, there's only one way to know for sure :
- 您必须知道要执行哪种查询,
- 您还必须要有大量的数据集进行测试,
- 您必须进行基准测试:并发地在数据集上多次启动查询,就好像在真实条件"下一样-并且它将有助于回答它将处理负载吗?我需要优化吗?瓶颈是什么?"