本文介绍了Eventbrite API 列表事件 403的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用来自 文档

 curl -X GET https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/search?date_modified.range_start=2018-01-01T00:00:01Z -H 'Authorization: Bearer MY_API_TOKEN'

但是,它返回 403 并在响应正文中包含以下 HTML:

<头><title>哎呀!</title><身体><div id="whoops_wrapper"><img id="logo" src="https://cdn.evbstatic.com/s3-s3/static/images/django/logos/eb_home_stroke-trans.png" width="154"/><h1>此页面<br/>当前不可用.<p>团队目前正在努力让您尽快返回服务.<br/>如果您需要立即联系我们,请<a href='https://www.eventbrite.com/support/contact-us'>联系我们</a>.</p><p>我们会在 <a href='https://www.twitter.com/eventbrite'>Twitter</a> 上为您提供最新信息.<br/><a href='https://www.eventbritestatus.com/'>Eventbrite 状态页面</a></p><p><font size="-2">响应码:403</font></p>


它以前可以正常工作,现在几天就这样了.我尝试创建一个新的 API 令牌但没有成功.从 API 接缝调用其他端点工作正常.我也没有达到速率限制.任何想法可能是什么或尝试什么?


根据链接的 Google 群组主题

感谢您的耐心等待.我们最近对 API 进行了一些更改,以改进平台功能和性能.其中一些调整需要我们不可预见的立即弃用我们的公共事件搜索 API events/search 端点之一.

自从进行此更改以来,该团队一直在努力寻找潜在的解决方案,以便为不属于我们官方分销合作伙伴计划的 API 用户提供对我们事件源的访问权限.我们希望与您联系以确认您的沮丧情绪,并让您知道我们将在下周确定潜在替代解决方案的可行性时向您提供更多详细信息.



所以看起来他们已经停止使用公共 API 进行搜索.

更新:Search API 已于 12 月 12 日停用此处

I'm trying to fetch events base on time from Eventbrite API with the following command from the docs

 curl -X GET https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/search?date_modified.range_start=2018-01-01T00:00:01Z -H 'Authorization: Bearer MY_API_TOKEN'

However, it returns me 403 with the following HTML in response body:

<html lang="en">
    <div id="whoops_wrapper">
        <img id="logo" src="https://cdn.evbstatic.com/s3-s3/static/images/django/logos/eb_home_stroke-trans.png" width="154" />
            This page is <br />currently unavailable.
            The Team is currently working to return you to the service as quickly as possible.<br />
            If you need to reach us immediately, please <a href='https://www.eventbrite.com/support/contact-us'>contact us</a>.
            We'll keep you updated on <a href='https://www.twitter.com/eventbrite'>Twitter</a>.<br />
            <a href='https://www.eventbritestatus.com/'>Eventbrite Status Page</a>
        <p><font size="-2">Response code: 403</font></p>

It use to work fine before and now it like this for a couple days. I tried to create a new API Token with no success. Calling other endpoints from the API seams working fine. I also didn't hit the rate limit. Any ideas what it could be or things to try?


According to the linked Google Group Thread

So it looks like they've discontinued search from the public API.

Update: The Search API has been discontinued as of December 12 here

这篇关于Eventbrite API 列表事件 403的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 05:58