


I'm trying unsuccessfully to simulate a flow of ink through a system of many rollers. As each roller turns the ink is split depending on a given ratio (say 0.5).I have managed to get the rollers in the system plotted by taking some user data but i'm now completely stuck on how to proceed! Some of these rollers will be in contact with more than one roller and as such the ink will be split equally and then halved again as it reaches the next roller in the line.


can anyone suggest a function for declaring these connecting positions and keeping track of the ink split after a certain number of system revolutions?...I've tried this in python using the dictionaries although I can't seem to translate this to matlab particularly well.


What I have thus far is in Python:

for i in range(num_rollers):

for i in range(0,num_rollers):
    for j in range(Rollers[i]['segments']):

# Initialise nips
Nips = [{} for i in range(num_nips)]
Nips[0] = {'rollers': [0, 1], 'locations': []}
Nips[1] = {'rollers': [1, 2], 'locations': []}
Nips[2] = {'rollers': [2, 3], 'locations': []}


由于您未指定辊子的确切模型,因此我将在极坐标中将它们表示为 ie 点和半径.每个滚筒上的墨水将由一个附加值表示,例如:

Since you didn't specify the exact model of your rollers, I'll represent them in polar coordinations, i.e. with a center point and a radius. The ink on each roller will be represented by an additional value, for example:

% # Initial state
C = [0, 0; -0.8, -0.6; 1, 0];  % # Roller centers (x, y)
R = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5];           % # Roller radii (r)
ink = [1, 0, 0];               % # Amount of ink on each roller
N = numel(R);                  % # Amount of rollers


Here there's ink only on roller #1 (I chose these values arbitrarily, so they can be changed, of course). For your convenience, you can draw the rollers like so:

% # Draw the rollers
figure, hold on
ang = 0:0.1:(2 * pi);
for i = 1:N
    plot(C(i, 2) + R(i) * cos(ang), C(i, 1) + R(i) * sin(ang))
    text(C(i, 2), C(i, 1), num2str(i))
title('Ink rollers'), axis image



I'll leave it up to you to draw the ink on each roller :P



1) First we find all connected rollers:

% # Find connected rollers
isconn = @(m, n)(sum(([1, -1] * C([m, n], :)) .^ 2) - sum(R([m, n])) .^ 2 < eps);
[Y, X] = meshgrid(1:N, 1:N);
conn = reshape(arrayfun(isconn, X(:), Y(:)), N, N) - eye(N);

如果辊 i 和辊,则生成一个矩阵,其中位置( i j )中的每个元素为1 j 已连接,否则为0.在此示例中,我们得到:

This produces a matrix in which each element in the position (i, j) is 1 if roller i and roller j are connected, and 0 if not. In this example, we get:

conn =

     0     1     1
     1     0     0
     1     0     0


2) The next step is to simulate the ink flow by running a predetermined amount of iterations. In each iteration we simulate one revolution of each roller, i.e. we go over each roller and split the ink equally between itself and its neighbors.

% # Simulate ink flow for a number of revolutions
disp([sprintf('Initial state:\t\t'), '[', num2str(ink), ']'])
revolutions = 3;
for ii = 1:revolutions
    new_ink = zeros(size(ink));

    % # Iterate over each roller
    for jj = 1:N
        if (ink(jj) > 0)
            delta_ink = ink(jj) / (sum(conn(jj, :)) + 1);
            idx = [jj, find(conn(jj, :))]; % # roller jj and its neighbors
            new_ink(idx) = new_ink(idx) + delta_ink;
    ink = new_ink;
    disp([sprintf('Revolution #%d:\t\t', ii), '[', num2str(ink), ']'])


I apologize that I haven't put much effort into optimizing these loops by vectorization. Anyway, these are the amounts of ink on each roller in each revolution:


Obviously, you can easily put this code into a function that returns the last state of the rollers, or any other output of your choice. Moreover, you can also revise the algorithm to handle different splitting ratios depending on the radii of the rollers. Good luck!


08-19 01:42