




How can one start with Java (JVM) ecosystem? What are beginner, intermediate and advanced knowledge-bases (bags!)? To be honest Java ecosystem was always a bit confusing to me, so it would be very helpful to provide some "reference references" and "defacto tutorials" for learning (curve!) JVM.


Note: I want to use JVM with Scala (or Clojure) but not Java itself.

我是C#开发人员(WPF,Windows Forms,ASP。 NET,Web Services,......就像那样)。

I am a C# developer (WPF, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Web Services, ... like that).



更新: 你对这里的十几个帖子有足够的问题;-)老实说,你应该自己做一些研究(谷歌是你的朋友),然后提出更具体,有针对性的问题;这将产生更好的结果。 (例如,我不认为任何人可以回答你关于Swing或JavaFX的问题,而没有关于你想要实现的更多具体细节。)我试着在下面给出一些指示,关于我在某种程度上知道的领域。

Update: you have enough questions for about a dozen posts here ;-) Honestly, you should do some research yourself (Google is your friend), then ask more specific, targeted questions; that would yield better results. (e.g. I don't think anyone can answer your question regarding Swing or JavaFX without more specific details about what you are trying to achieve.) I try to give a few pointers below, about areas I know to some extent.

  • ,这里是。

  • 和都是应用程序服务器。

  • 有很多不同的Web框架,因为不同的人有不同的偏好,想法和风格,所以很多人都创建了自己的框架。它可能令人困惑,但至少有选择: - )

  • 用于持久性,除了JDBC之外,ORM框架是另一个强有力的选择。我使用,我可以推荐它;在一个更大的项目中,它可以让你的生活更轻松。最终取决于您的具体项目和限制;没有一个正确的选择。

  • AFAIK Java没有相当于LINQ。

  • for servlets and other web frameworks, here is a bunch of tutorials.
  • Tomcat and Jetty are both application servers.
  • there are a lot of different web frameworks, because different people have differing preferences, ideas and style, so many have created their own framework. It can be confusing, but at least there is choice :-)
  • for persistence, apart from JDBC, ORM frameworks are another strong option. I use Hibernate and I can recommend it; in a bigger project it can make your life much easier. Ultimately it depends on your specific project and constraints; there is no single right choice.
  • AFAIK Java has no equivalent of LINQ.


See also this post for further recommendations.



09-06 22:05