


我已经通过Facebook建立了深层链接一个Android应用程序。深层链接,特别是通过Facebook的SDK,当Facebook的Andr​​oid应用程序未安装在设备上共享时工作正常。然而,当共享情况通过Facebook的Andr​​oid应用深层链接被破坏:尤其是从Facebook应用程序中的一个深层链接后点击时所激发的意图进行,有一个网址 HTTP 作为它的方案,而不是所使用的自定义方案的人:机器人:网址网​​页,可以在共享的URL下载的元属性。

我使用Facebook应用程序版本37.和Facebook SDK 3.21.1。

当然,一切正常......几个星期 - 或者月 - 前。是的,我知道我使用的是旧版本的SDK。但是,而不是盲目地更新库,才发现它仍然不能正常工作,我想提出一个关于它的稍微更明智的决定。所以,我要求如下:

  1. 没有一个具体的,记录在案,至少标榜不兼容我使用的SDK版本和最新的Facebook的Andr​​oid应用程序之间存在吗?它几乎似乎在URL中使用 ShareDialogBu​​ilder.setLink 设置不会被Facebook应用程序正确地处理或认可,因此作为它,而不是借助于触发深层链接在人:机器人:这在URL页面包含网址元属性

  2. 有没有一个具体的,记录的缺陷存在了prevents最新的Facebook的Andr​​oid应用程序,因为它们使用前要设立一些时间来处理深层链接,这将有望被固定在未来,从而使应用程序开发人员不要在这里和那里跳试图解决这个问题?

  3. 对于是否这个问题的一种解决方法存在吗?而且,如果一种解决方法是更新Facebook的SDK,它专门机制(一个属性的名称Facebook应用程序期望接收的,要不然怎么办?)意外变化(如属性被重新命名,例如,从在过去的数周/数月?到的contentURL ,或其他)>


难道是在iOS SDK同样的问题?






I have an Android application already set up for deep linking via Facebook. Deep links, in particular, work fine when sharing by the Facebook SDK, when the Facebook Android app is not installed on the device. However, deep links are broken when sharing happens through the Facebook Android app: in particular, the Intent that is fired when clicking on a deep linked post from within the Facebook app carries an URL that has http as its scheme instead of the custom scheme that is used in the al:android:url meta property of the web page that can be downloaded at the shared URL.

I am using Facebook app version and Facebook SDK 3.21.1.

Of course, everything worked fine... some weeks - or maybe months - ago. Yes, I know I am using an old SDK version. But, instead of blindly updating the library, only to discover that it still does not work, I would like to make a slightly more informed decision about it. So, I'm asking the following:

  1. does a specific, documented, or at least advertised incompatibility exist between the SDK version I'm using and the latest Facebook Android app? It almost seems that the URL set by ShareDialogBuilder.setLink is not correctly processed or recognized by the Facebook app, and therefore used as it is, instead of triggering deep linking by means of the al:android:url meta property which the page at that URL contains.
  2. Does a specific, documented bug exist that prevents the latest Facebook Android app to process deep links as they used to be set up some time ago, that will hopefully be fixed in the future, so that application developers do not have to jump here and there trying to work around the problem?
  3. Does a workaround for this problem exist? And, if the workaround involves updating the Facebook SDK, which specific mechanism (a name of an attribute that the Facebook application expects to receive, or what else?) has unexpectedly changed (such as that attribute being renamed, e.g. from link to contentUrl, or whatever) in the last weeks/months?

Could it be the same issue on iOS SDK?

Look at this sad answer from FB:


I had the same problem but using a different iOS device where open the link on FB app from the one that share the link lets it works!

ps: sometimes I needed to relaunch the FB app, probably in this way the app will re-pull the posts from the servers avoiding some sort of cache.




09-06 17:45