


每次Jenkins中的非管理员用户在Jenkins中进行一些更改时,脚本更改都必须得到Jenkins管理员的批准.我正在寻找一种禁用此功能的方法,并且找到了此插件- https ://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Permissive+Script+Security+Plugin

Everytime a non-admin user in Jenkins makes some changes in Jenkins, the script changes has to be approved by a Jenkins admin. I am looking for a way to disable this and i found this plugin- https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Permissive+Script+Security+Plugin

我已按照页面中的说明安装并启用了此插件,并且插件状态也显示为已启用<jenkins-url>/systemInfo,jenkins进程ps -efH | grep Jenkins也显示了插件状态,但我的脚本已更改(以非管理员用户身份)仍然要求管理员批准.

i have installed and enabled this plugin as mentioned in the page, and the plugin status shows enabled as well here <jenkins-url>/systemInfoand also jenkins process ps -efH | grep Jenkins shows the plugin status but my script changes(as non-admin user) still asks for admin approval.


Is there anyone here who has used this plugin and can help me out with how to use this?



The Permissive Script Security plugin only works with Whitelisting code in a sandbox, not with authorizing complete scripts. Enable the Groovy sandbox for the scripts to automatically approve, then it should work. This was made clear in a comment in a bug report.

如果您的脚本是 Job DSL 脚本,则应当启用Groovy沙箱,并以特定用户的身份运行作业.为此,可以使用授权Project插件.只需添加一个默认的构建授权,该授权不是匿名"用户,也不是特定项目的设置. Job DSL插件仅在以特定用户身份运行作业时才支持沙盒.

If your script is a Job DSL script, then the Groovy sandbox should be enabled and job run as a specific user. For this the Authorize Project plugin can be used. Just add a default build authorization which is not the "anonymous" user, or a setting for the specific projects. The Job DSL plugin only supports sandboxing when the job is run as a specific user.



09-06 16:54