How can i verify if a user is root in a PHP script ? What is the command ?I tried something like that :
exec("su -l login < `echo password`");
but the su command can not receive password...
Note that the machine is isolated from internet so I can run PHP as root if needed.
I don't want to know if the current user who run the script is root or not.I have a list of users in my PHP script and I want to know for each login if he has root privileges.
首先,问问自己到底是什么定义了具有root特权"的登录名. AFAICT有2种基本解决方案.
First, ask yourself what exactly defines a login "having root privileges". AFAICT there are 2 basic solutions.
系统管理员使用uid 0创建多个帐户的传统方法,我-我当然并不孤单-认为这是一场噩梦.在这种情况下,您可以使用 posix_getpwnam 检查列表中的所有用户并查看其uid是否匹配0.
The old-school way, where sysadmins create multiple accounts with uid 0, which I - and I'm certainly not alone in this - consider to be a nightmare. In this scenario you could check all users in your list using posix_getpwnam and see if their uid matches 0.
以下代码段就是这样做的,$ privileged将包含具有root特权的用户:
The following code snippet does just that, $privileged will contain the users with root privileges :
$logins = array('root', 'john', 'guest', 'foo');
$privileged = array();
foreach($logins as $login) {
$userInfo = posix_getpwnam($login);
if ($userInfo !== FALSE) {
if ($userInfo['uid'] == 0) {
$privileged[] = $login;
另一种方法(也是唯一一种理智的方法)是将具有root/管理特权的所有用户添加到特定组(已经使用 wheel 或 admin 在不同的Linux发行版中,找出适合您的一种).这种情况甚至更简单,因为您可以使用 posix_getgrnam 来获取特定组中的所有成员.
The other (and imho only sane) way to do this is to add all users with root/administrative privileges to a specific group (wheel or admin are already used in different Linux distributions, find out which one works for you). This scenario is even simpler, since you can use posix_getgrnam to fetch all members in a specific group.
以下代码段将与您提供的登录名数组匹配,并查看谁是具有特定特权的成员,再次$ privileged将包含结果(即,列表中的用户是您指定的组的成员) :
The following code snippet will match an array of logins you provide, and see who's a member with specific privileges, again $privileged will contain the result (ie. the users in your list that are a member of the group you specified) :
$logins = array('root', 'john', 'guest', 'foo');
$privileged = array();
$groupInfo = posix_getgrnam('admins');
if ($groupInfo !== FALSE) {
$privileged = array_intersect($logins, $groupInfo['members']);