


I can't seem to find out how to set the heartbeat options for socket.io? I'd love to be able to specify what happens when a "timemout" happens, and when the server hasn't gotten any response from the client for some time.

由于某些原因,即使断开连接事件已经过去了一个多小时而没有连接客户端,断开连接事件也不会一直触发.这种情况通常发生在独立的 Java socket.io客户端

For some reason the disconnect event isn't always firing, even though it has passed over an hour without the client not being connected. This often happens with the standalone Java socket.io client


Socket.IO使用engine.io,它允许您指定 ping间隔和ping超时,如下所示:

Socket.IO uses engine.io, which allows you to specify ping interval and ping timeout, like so:

var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);

var io = require('socket.io')(http, {'pingInterval': 2000, 'pingTimeout': 5000});


(2 second interval and 5 second timeout is just an example. It might be to frequent for your use case)


08-20 16:34