这真是太疯狂了!我已经用远2.0文件(,也许你可以使用其他一些文件管理器);它的文件名是'C:\123.txt (是的,与文件路径的末尾空间)
It's really crazy! I have created a file using Far 2.0 (http://www.farmanager.com/, maybe you can use some other file manager); its filename is 'C:\123.txt ' (yes, with space at the end of filepath).
And I'm trying to copy or move this file using a C# program:
File.Copy("C:\\123.txt ", "C:\\456.txt", true);
But it fails with the "Could not find file 'C:\123.txt '." exception. But the file exists!
我试图在Windows API:
I'm trying the Windows API:
public static extern int MoveFile(string lpExistingFileName, string lpNewFileName);
MoveFile("C:\\123.txt ", "C:\\456.txt",);
But it fails too.
And I'm trying the xcopy utility:
C:\>xcopy "C:\123.txt " "C:\456.txt" /Y
File not found - 123.txt
0 File(s) copied
我如何可以以编程方式重命名文件? ?又为什么会发生这种情况。
How can I can rename the file programmatically? And why does this happen?
我的操作系统:Windows 7 64位系统
My OS: Windows 7 x64
你在你的文件名字符在Win32中是非法的。为了规避在Win32路径分析器,你就必须前缀你的文件名\\ \?
You have a character in your filename that's illegal in Win32. To circumvent the Win32 path parser, you just have to prefix your filename with \\?\
. For example:
MoveFile(@"\\?\C:\123.txt ", "C:\\456.txt");
This technique will also allow you to have paths up to 32k in length (you only get 260 including the drive letter in Win32).