C ++入门(第5版)在第240页上有一条注释,指出:
C++ Primer (5th edition) on page 240 has a note stating:
A question has been asked about this: can constexpr function return type be a non const?. The author of that question misunderstood the note.
But what is the correct understanding of it (the answers to the cited post clarify the confusion of that post's author, but do not answer my question)?
一个(非模板) constexpr
函数必须至少具有一个执行路径,返回一个常量表达式;形式上,必须存在参数值,以使对函数[...]的调用可以是核心常量表达式的评估子表达式 ( [dcl.constexpr] / 5)。例如(同上):
A (non-template) constexpr
function must have at least one execution path that returns a constant expression; formally, there must exist argument values such that "an invocation of the function [...] could be an evaluated subexpression of a core constant expression" ([dcl.constexpr]/5). For example (ibid.):
constexpr int f(bool b) { return b ? throw 0 : 0; } // OK
constexpr int f() { return f(true); } // ill-formed, no diagnostic required
此处 int f(bool )
允许为 constexpr
,因为其对参数值 false
Here int f(bool)
is allowed to be constexpr
because its invocation with argument value false
returns a constant expression.
可能有一个 constexpr
It is possible to have a constexpr
function that cannot ever return a constant expression if it is a specialization of a function template that could have at least one specialization that does return a constant expression. Again, with the above:
template<bool B> constexpr int g() { return f(B); } // OK
constexpr int h() { return g<true>(); } // ill-formed, no diagnostic required