




var target = dojo.query(。myclass) .parents(#+ node.id)[0];
var event = new MouseEvent('click',{
dijit.byId(node.id)._ doEvent(event);


<$ p在$ MouseEvent创建中,$ p> 'target':target,





我只能实现 relatedTarget 属性设置为 target 仍将为空。如果检查目标属性为null,并且如果它是空的,则在窗口小部件方法中的所有内容都可以正常工作。模拟点击和真实点击都能正常工作。


所以还有一个问题我可以如何设置 target 属性具有正确的值。因为解决方案在genereal中显示,除了设置目标属性外,它都可以工作。





var target = dojo.query(。myclass)。parents(#+ node.id)[0];
var event = new MouseEvent('click',{
'view':window ,
Object.defineProperty(event,'target',{value:target,enumerable:true} );
dijit.byId(node.id)._ doEvent(event);

I want to simulate a mouseclick in my javascript code which uses dojo. The action for a real mouseclick will be registered using dojo-stuff with "ondijitclick".

I know which method/function gets called and I also have the dijit object to call this method. The method expects an function object as parameter, so I'm creating a new MouseEvent object. This all works fine, except that I need to set the target value of this event and I can't figure out how to do this. This is needed because later exception handling is accessing the target-property and I can't avoid this.

So far the code I have:

    dojo.query(".mybutton").forEach(function (node) {
        var target = dojo.query(".myclass").parents("#" + node.id)[0];
        var event = new MouseEvent('click', {
            'view' : window,
            'bubbles': true,
            'cancelable': true

If I add the following line

            'target' : target,

in the MouseEvent creation, the property will not be set (but all other properties will be) and the target-property will be null, but target itself is not null).

Is it even possible to set the target property somehow? If it is possible I'm wondering what I am doing wrong?


I have found an very dirty solution, which includes a minimal but undesired change in the widget coming from the underlying framework.

I could only achieve that the relatedTarget property is set while target still will be null. If checking the target property for null and if it is null taking the relatedTarget in the widgets method everything works as wished. The simulated click and the real click are both working properly.

The only problem with this solution is that I hasve to modify the widget in the framework. This is something what we won't do in a release-build. This is a possible solution in general, but in reality this solution is not acceptable for us.

So there is still the question how I can set the target property with the right value. As the solution shows in genereal it works all except setting the target property.

I can't see that this is achieved in the solution presented by Ferry Kranenburg. If this solution does what I need it would be nice if someone could explain the trick to me.


The target property of the event object is not writable when the event is created. It points to the first element that receives the event when it is triggered and is set internally by javascript to that element. So if you need a special element being the event target you have to dispatch the event to that element.

One way would be to overwrite the native target property with an own one, but that may affect the bubbling behaviour of the event. Try it out:

dojo.query(".mybutton").forEach(function (node) {
    var target = dojo.query(".myclass").parents("#" + node.id)[0];
    var event = new MouseEvent('click', {
        'view' : window,
        'bubbles': true,
        'cancelable': true
    Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', {value: target, enumerable: true});


08-30 22:23