本文介绍了Power BI:计算无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



 例如,资源所有者= X 
项目经理= AllExcept(X)
总和(努力) =借出时间

资源所有者= AllExcept(X)
项目经理= X


 贷款= IF(ISBLANK(CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <>'All_Activity Data'[资源所有者])))),0,CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[记录的工作量]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[项目经理]<> ;''All_Activity Data'[资源所有者]))))


 借入= IF(ISBLANK(CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort])),FILTER('All_Activity Data',' All_Activity Data'[Project Manager]<>'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] ='All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]))))),0 ,CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager]<>'All_Activity Data '[资源所有者]),FILTER('All_Activity数据','All_Activity数据'[项目经理] ='All_Activity数据'[资源所有者]))))



  RN Eff PN P_M RO 
名称1 1.50 AOX
名称2 8.00 BNS
名称1 5.50 CNS
名称2 1.50 DSS
名称1 5.00 EXS
名称2 8.00 FNN
名称1 4.00 GLX
名称2 4.00 HLX
名称1 0.25 IXN
名称2 0.25 GOX
名称1 0.25 AXD
名称2 6.75 BNX
名称1 0.50 CXX
名称2 8.00 DNL
名称1 0.17 EDD
名称2 2.26 FDD
名称1 1.58 GLD
名称2 2.50 HDD
名称2 0.58 IDD
名称1 0.33 GDD
名称2 0.34添加
名称1 0.25 BDD
名称2 6.00 CDS
名称1 0.30 DNS
名称1 8.00 ENN
名称2 2.00 FSS
名称1 4.50 GSS
名称2 1.50 HSS
NAM E 1 2.00 ISS
名称2 1.50 GSS
名称2 4.50 ASS
名称2 8.00 BSS
名称2 8.00 CSL
名称2 8.00 DNS
名称2 8.00 ESL
名称2 8.00 FSL
名称2 8.00 GOX
名称2 1.25 HLL
名称2 2.75 ILL
名称1 0.75 GLL
名称1 1.50 ALL
名称1 0.75 BOL
名称1 1.25 COX
名称1 0.50 DNX
名称1 1.00 EXX
名称1 2.00 FOX
名称1 2.50 GSN
名称1 7.00 HSN
名称1 1.50 ILN
名称2 6.50 GLN
名称2 8.00 ANS
名称2 8.00 BNX
名称2 7.50 CLS
名称1 3.25 DNN
名称1 2.25 ENN
名称1 0.75 FNN
名称2 0.75 GNN
名称1 1.00 HLX
名称1 4.00 ISX
名称1 3.00 GNX
名称2 8.0 0全部
名称1 6.00 BNN
名称1 0.50 CNN
名称1 0.50 DNN
名称2 7.00 ENX
名称1 0.25 FOX
名称1 0.50 GOX
名称1 0.25 HXX

借给X PM是-52









我将此表称为DimManager,其中单个列 Manager 。您显然可以对此进行更改。我没有将此表与All_Activity数据相关:


'All_Activity Data',
'All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] = MAX('DimManager'[Manager])
&&'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner] = MAX('DimManager '[经理])

由内而外地工作,FILTER是在两个不相关的表。在这种情况下,我希望经理既是项目经理又是资源所有者。嵌套的SUMX(CALCULATE(SUMX使得在计算列总计时,它对每个单独的管理器的结果求和。如果没有此值,则该度量将使用MAX(Manager)作为列总计,使列的总计与经理X在您的样本数据中。我从Matt Allington中学到了这个技巧:

I have a table containing Resource Name, Resources Owner, Project Name, Project Manager, Effort.For Every resource owner, I want to calculate the loaned out efforts(efforts spent by resources of owner in projects other than owner's project) and borrowed efforts (efforts spent by resources of owner in other's project except the project owner's).

For e.g., Resource Owner = X
Project Manager = AllExcept(X)
Sum(Effort) = Loaned Out Hours

Resource Owner = AllExcept(X)
Project Manager = X
Sum(Effort) = Borrowed.

For calculating loaned out hours I am using this DAX Formula-

Loaned = IF(ISBLANK(CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]), FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <> 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]))),0,CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <> 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner])))

For calculating borrowed I am using -

Borrowed = IF(ISBLANK(CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <> 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]), FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] = 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]))),0,CALCULATE(SUM('All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]),FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <> 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner]), FILTER('All_Activity Data','All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] = 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner])))

Loaned hours are calculating properly but not borrowed out. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is sample data:

RN      Eff     PN  P_M RO
NAME 1  1.50    A   O   X
NAME 2  8.00    B   N   S
NAME 1  5.50    C   N   S
NAME 2  1.50    D   S   S
NAME 1  5.00    E   X   S
NAME 2  8.00    F   N   N
NAME 1  4.00    G   L   X
NAME 2  4.00    H   L   X
NAME 1  0.25    I   X   N
NAME 2  0.25    G   O   X
NAME 1  0.25    A   X   D
NAME 2  6.75    B   N   X
NAME 1  0.50    C   X   X
NAME 2  8.00    D   N   L
NAME 1  0.17    E   D   D
NAME 2  2.26    F   D   D
NAME 1  1.58    G   L   D
NAME 2  2.50    H   D   D
NAME 2  0.58    I   D   D
NAME 1  0.33    G   D   D
NAME 2  0.34    A   D   D
NAME 1  0.25    B   D   D
NAME 2  6.00    C   D   S
NAME 1  0.30    D   N   S
NAME 1  8.00    E   N   N
NAME 2  2.00    F   S   S
NAME 1  4.50    G   S   S
NAME 2  1.50    H   S   S
NAME 1  2.00    I   S   S
NAME 2  1.50    G   S   S
NAME 2  4.50    A   S   S
NAME 2  8.00    B   S   S
NAME 2  8.00    C   S   L
NAME 2  8.00    D   N   S
NAME 2  8.00    E   S   L
NAME 2  8.00    F   S   L
NAME 2  8.00    G   O   X
NAME 2  1.25    H   L   L
NAME 2  2.75    I   L   L
NAME 1  0.75    G   L   L
NAME 1  1.50    A   L   L
NAME 1  0.75    B   O   L
NAME 1  1.25    C   O   X
NAME 1  0.50    D   N   X
NAME 1  1.00    E   X   X
NAME 1  2.00    F   O   X
NAME 1  2.50    G   S   N
NAME 1  7.00    H   S   N
NAME 1  1.50    I   L   N
NAME 2  6.50    G   L   N
NAME 2  8.00    A   N   S
NAME 2  8.00    B   N   X
NAME 2  7.50    C   L   S
NAME 1  3.25    D   N   N
NAME 1  2.25    E   N   N
NAME 1  0.75    F   N   N
NAME 2  0.75    G   N   N
NAME 1  1.00    H   L   X
NAME 1  4.00    I   S   X
NAME 1  3.00    G   N   X
NAME 2  8.00    A   L   L
NAME 1  6.00    B   N   N
NAME 1  0.50    C   N   N
NAME 1  0.50    D   N   N
NAME 2  7.00    E   N   X
NAME 1  0.25    F   O   X
NAME 1  0.50    G   O   X
NAME 1  0.25    H   X   X

In this case-Loaned out For X PM is - 52Borrowed in is - 5.5


There are 3 types of effort in your question:

The easiest type of effort is "not loaned or borrowed effort" - where the manager you care about is both the resource owner and the project manager (i.e. they are using resources they manage on a project they manage).

The next type of effort is "loaned effort" - where the manager you care about is the resource owner but not the project manager (i.e. the manager's resources are being used on someone else's project).

The final type of effort is "borrowed effort" - where the manager you care about is the project manager but not the resource owner (i.e. they are using someone else's resources on their project).

You have loaned effort defined correctly, but it's based on the assumption that the resource owner is the manager you care about. Indeed, your Loaned Effort calculation is perfectly correct for Borrowed Effort too, except you would need to display the table by Project Manager instead of Resource Owner (this is because Project Managers borrow and Resource Owners lend - but otherwise it's the same calculation).

The essence of your problem is, therefore, not to a problem with the calculation, but rather because you want to display the "borrowed" and "loaned" number side-by-side for the same person.

To accomplish this, I recommend having a separate, de-duped table of managers that you can calculate the borrowed and loaned number for. One of the main reasons for doing this is because a manager may borrow but never lend. If you start with the premise of resource owners (who lend), the manager who borrows but never lends will never appear in your results.

I called this table DimManager, with a single column Manager. You can obviously vary this. I did not relate this table to All_Activity Data:

Then, for the measures, I started with not loaned or borrowed, where I want the manager to be both the project manager and the resource owner:

Not Loaned or Borrowed =
        SUMX (
            FILTER (
                'All_Activity Data',
                'All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] = MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
                    && 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner] = MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
            'All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]

Working from the inside out, the FILTER is what is doing the join between the two unrelated tables. In this case saying that I want the Manager to be both the Project Manager and the Resource Owner. The nested SUMX(CALCULATE(SUMX is so that, when calculating a column total, it sums the result of each individual manager. Without this, the measure would use the MAX(Manager) for the column totals, making the column totals the same as Manager X in your sample data. I learnt about this trick from Matt Allington: https://exceleratorbi.com.au/double-calculate-solves-sumx-problem/

For your loaned and borrowed calculations, they are exactly the same as above, except instead of saying you want both your Resource Owner and Project Manager to match your manager, one of them does not match your manager:

Loaned =
        SUMX (
            FILTER (
                'All_Activity Data',
                'All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] <> MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
                    && 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner] = MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
            'All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]


Borrowed =
        SUMX (
            FILTER (
                'All_Activity Data',
                'All_Activity Data'[Project Manager] = MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
                    && 'All_Activity Data'[Resource Owner] <> MAX ( 'DimManager'[Manager] )
            'All_Activity Data'[Logged Effort]

This results in the final result below:

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08-04 16:01