本文介绍了Knockoutjs绑定到Property vs Property()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I can write a knockoutjs data binding expression in two different ways:

1. <div data-bind="text: FirstName"></div>
2. <div data-bind="text: FistName()"></div>


Note the two parens after FirstName in the second example. They both seem to work. Is there a difference?




They will only work both if FirstName is a ko.observable. If it is a plain value, only the first variant will work.

可观察对象不直接保留其值.它是提供对值的访问的功能.因此必须调用以获取值(即严格正确的是text: FistName()).

An observable does not hold its value directly. It is a function that provides access to the value. Therefore it must be called to get the value (i.e., strictly correct is text: FistName()).


But knockout is helpful and anticipates that. Therefore it will call the observable for you if you did not do it yourself.


Responsible for this is the helper function ko.utils.unwrapObservable(), which takes a parameter, determines whether it is an observable or a plain value and returns its value in both cases.

淘汰赛在您定义的每个绑定上都使用此功能,因此,您自己调用可观察对象(text: FistName())还是让淘汰赛在后台进行(text: FirstName)都没关系.

Knockout uses this function on every binding you define, so it does not matter if you call the observable yourself (text: FistName()) or let knockout do it behind the scenes (text: FirstName).


敲除解析绑定表达式<binding>: <expr>,并确定<expr>是简单标识符还是更复杂的标识符.

Knockout parses the binding expression <binding>: <expr> and determines whether <expr> is a simple identifier or something more complex.


Whenever <expr> is a simple identifier—like FirstName—knockout will apply unwrapObservable() automatically, because the situation is unambiguous.

但是,每当<expr>更复杂时(例如'Dear ' + FirstName),knockout都会根据表达式构造自定义函数.现在事情变得模棱两可了,您需要自己调用可观察对象,例如:'Dear ' + FirstName().

But whenever <expr> is more complex—like 'Dear ' + FirstName—knockout constructs a custom function from the expression. Now things become ambiguous and you are required to call the observable yourself, like this: 'Dear ' + FirstName().

比较: http://jsfiddle.net/Tomalak/cU4qw/

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08-04 02:39