我有一个线程正在对 ZMQ 轮询器进行轮询:
I have a thread that is polling on a ZMQ Poller:
This thread is also the one which receives and sends back messages over the sockets registered in the poller.
Then I have another thread that may, eventually, create a new socket and register it for polling on input events:
socket = context.socket(...)
poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
Once the socket is registered, the latter thread will not touch it again.
The answers/comments I got were about how I should not be doing this. Or which are The Guide's recommendations (which I already knew). But that does not really answer my question.
更具体地说,我会说我正在使用用于 ZeroMQ 的 pyzmq
Python 绑定.
To be more specific, I would say that I am working with pyzmq
Python bindings for ZeroMQ.
现在,虽然 ZeroMQ 套接字不是线程安全的,但确实可以将它们从一个线程传输到另一个线程,只要在传输过程中有一个完整的内存屏障.
Now, although ZeroMQ sockets are not thread safe, it is indeed possible to transfer them from one thread to another as long as there is a full memory barrier during the transfer.
So the first question would be: do I need to set an explicit memory barrier in there? Note that there is one thread that creates and binds/connects the socket and then it registers it, but it will not be using that thread again. Is there an actual conflict? could there be a moment in which I should be explicitly preventing access to the socket from both threads?
Then the second question would be: is registering a socket in a poller thread-safe? Most of the time the thread that performs the polling is busy doing other stuff, but it could happen that it is polling waiting for a timeout. In that case, do I need to use a lock to prevent concurrent access to the poller? or is it safe to register the new socket in the poller while the other thread is polling it?
我正在使用 Pyro4 来处理和配置远程进程(即:它们的 ZeroMQ 连接及其行为).可以使用 Pyro 代理 非常轻松地完成初始配置.然而,当我开始这个过程时,我实际上是用一个专用线程运行主循环(Pyro oneway call) 继续运行,但如果我再次使用 Pyro 代理访问该对象,则此访问来自另一个线程.
I am using Pyro4 to handle and configure remote processes (i.e.: their ZeroMQ connections and their behavior). The initial configuration can be done with the Pyro Proxy very esaily. However, when I start the process, I am in fact running the main loop with a dedicated thread (Pyro oneway call) that keeps running, but if I access the object with the Pyro Proxy again, then this access is from another thread.
所以这个想法是为了避免修改远程对象的类,但仍然允许使用 Pyro 来配置远程对象,即使它们正在运行.只要新套接字的创建+绑定/连接+注册对另一个线程来说是安全的,我就很好.
So the idea is to avoid modifying the remote object's class but still allow the use of Pyro for configuring the remote objects even when they are running. As long as the creation + binding/connecting + registering of new sockets is safe from another thread, I am good.
不仅需要安全解决方案,而且还需要向供应商方面实际证明稳定和有保证的系统行为的行业(无论是由于明智的祖父、对 QA/TQM 的深信还是由于强加的法规)MIL/GOV/航空航天/医疗保健/制药/汽车等细分市场供应商管理)将直接拒绝.
Industries that not only require safe solutions, but also export the responsibility to actually prove both the stable and warranted system behaviour to the vendor side (be it due to wise grandfathers, a deep belief in QA/TQM or due to regulations imposed on MIL/GOV/aerospace/healthcare/pharma/automotive et al segment vendor management) would simply straight reject.
" ... will not touch it again." is just a promise.
Safety cross-validated system design does not settle with less than a proof of a collision avoidance.
让我引用 Pieter HINTJENS 的一本可爱的书代码连接,第 1 卷"——ZeroMQ 的必读作品:
Let me cite from a lovely book from Pieter HINTJENS "Code Connected, Vol.1" - a must read piece for ZeroMQ:
您应该遵循一些规则来使用 ØMQ 编写愉快的多线程代码:
• 在其线程内私下隔离数据,永远不要在多个线程中共享数据.唯一的例外是 ØMQ 上下文,它们是线程安全的.
• 远离经典的并发机制,如互斥体、临界区、信号量等.这些是 ØMQ 应用程序中的反模式.
• 在您的进程开始时创建一个 ØMQ 上下文,并将其传递给您想要通过 inproc
• 使用附加线程在您的应用程序中创建结构,并使用PAIR
• 使用分离的线程来模拟具有自己上下文的独立任务.通过 tcp
• 线程之间的所有交互都作为 ØMQ 消息发生,您可以或多或少地正式定义.
• 不要在线程之间共享 ØMQ 套接字.ØMQ 套接字不是线程安全的. 从技术上讲,可以将套接字从一个线程迁移到另一个线程,但这需要技巧.唯一可以在线程之间共享套接字的地方是在需要对套接字进行垃圾收集之类的魔术的语言绑定中.
ØMQ 使用原生操作系统线程而不是虚拟的绿色"线程.优点是您不需要学习任何新的线程 API,并且 ØMQ 线程可以干净地映射到您的操作系统.您可以使用英特尔的 ThreadChecker 等标准工具来查看您的应用程序在做什么.缺点是原生线程 API 并不总是可移植的,而且如果您拥有大量线程(数千个),某些操作系统会承受压力.
If you’re sharing sockets across threads, don’t. It will lead to random weirdness, and crashes.
我们可以假设轻"条件:系统没有压力,从未达到高水位线,没有大拥塞.只有一个线程运行应用程序(轮询和执行输入的任务).所以大部分时间(99.99%)没有并发.现在,只有当第二个线程出现只是为了将套接字添加到池中时才会发生并发.永远不会有超过 2 个线程被执行.并且第二个线程将始终被限制向池中添加新套接字(一旦添加,套接字将转移到主线程).这足以满足边界条件吗?– Peque
The more the schematic use-case details were added in update-II, the professional solution shall not lose time and shall avoid any hidden risks by using thread-clean design.
#T1 a poller-maintainer -has Context() instance control
-has graceful .close() + .term() responsibility
-has POLLER instance under it's own control
-has PAIR .bind( "inproc://worker2poller" )
-has PAIR .recv() <add_socket>-request processing responsibility
#T2 a worker-process: -has PAIR .connect( "inproc://worker2poller" )
-has PAIR .send() privilege to ask T1 to add a socket & include it into POLLER
虽然 GIL 无论如何避免了任何机会找到运行 PARALLEL
的 python 线程,但纯OOP 设计的动机是让架构保持干净和分离的职责,并保持正式通信模式完全可扩展.
While GIL anyway avoids any chance to find the python threads run PARALLEL
, the pure OOP-design is the motivation to keep the architecture with both clean and separated responsibilities and keeping the Formal Communication Patterns fully scaleable.
这篇关于ZeroMQ 轮询线程安全的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!