我的团队开发了一个 angular 5 应用程序,该应用程序已经投入生产一段时间了,但我们最近的任务是让该应用程序在公司拥有的其他 3 个站点上运行.一个站点是使用 Angular6 构建的 SPA,另一个站点也是使用 Angular5 的 SPA,而另一个站点则使用一些较旧的库,例如 jQuery.
My team develop an angular 5 application that has been in production for a while, but we've been tasked recently with making the app work in other 3 sites the company owns. One site is a SPA built with Angular6, other is also a SPA but uses Angular5, while the other is using some older libraries such as jQuery.
管理层希望我们立即与 Angular5 SPA 集成,因此我们只是将整个应用程序导出为带有子路由的模块,并让其他应用程序进行引导.
Management wanted us to integrate with the Angular5 SPA right away so we just exported the whole application as a module with child routes and let the other application do the bootstrap.
But I'm afraid the above approach will not work for the non-angular site. This also tight couple both applications since the 'host' app needs to know about all dependencies of our application which is not a trivial app (I'd say is pretty big) and install them, this caused problems when both applications needed different versions of the same dependency, no to mention that we will need to sync when upgrading dependencies or the framework itself. I don't think this approach will scale when embedding the app into more sites.
对于更通用的实现,我的第一个想法是将我们的应用程序升级到 Angular 6 并创建一个带有自定义元素的 Web 组件,但我们需要支持不支持原生封装的 IE11 和 Edge,因此我们需要进行测试我们的应用程序在每个使用它的站点中,以确保它们不会破坏我们的样式,而且我不知道 Web 组件是否可以管理子路由.
My first idea for a more general implementation was to upgrade our app to Angular 6 and create a web component with a custom element, but we need to support IE11 and Edge which do not support native encapsulation, so we would need to test our app in every site where it is used, to make sure they are not breaking our styles, also I don't know whether a web component can manage child routes or not.
其他想法是使用 iframe,但我的问题是调整 iframe 大小以适应内容,以及如何从 iframe 内的常驻"应用程序在主机"应用程序中添加子路由.
Other idea is to use an iframe but my problem here is the iframe resizing to adapt to the content and how to add child routes in the 'host' app from the 'resident' app inside the iframe.
Is there a better way to achieve what we need to do?
The ideal solution should allow our application to be used in multiple sites (each one providing specific configuration) without us having to know about the site using our app.
您还可以使用新的 Webpack 5 模块联合.
以下示例展示了如何将模块联合与 Angular 和其他技术结合使用.
following examples show how to use module federation with Angular and other technologies.
我最近一直忙于这个话题,因为很多人一次又一次地遇到同样的问题(当然是我).如今,您经常听到微前端的概念.这个概念是关于将前端设计为可扩展和可扩展的.特别是在许多公司同时拥有 Angular 和 React 和 Vue 开发人员的时代.我的研究得出了以下方法:
I've been very busy with the topic lately, because many have the same problem again and again (me, of course). Nowadays, you often hear the concept of micro-frontends. The concept is about designing the frontend to be extensible and scalable. Especially in the time when many companies have both Angular and React and Vue developers.The following approaches came out of my research:
You can create your new app and have a hyperlink from your legacy app. (You must have a page reload when you switch beetween the both apps.)
软件架构师构建了一个元路由器来处理 iframe 和单页应用程序:
a Software architect builded a meta router to deal with iframes and single page application:
Take a look at this:
- (github repository) A lightweight and solid approach towards micro frontends (SPAs/ clients for micro services)
Metaframeworks 允许您在使用不同框架构建的 differents
- Single Spa (官网) Single Spa:一个前端的javascript框架微服务
- FrintJs (官网) FrintJS:模块化 JavaScript 框架用于构建 Scalable &反应式应用.
- Single Spa (official website) Single Spa: a javascript framework for front-end microservices
- FrintJs (official website) FrintJS: Modular JavaScript frameworkfor building Scalable & Reactive applications.
- Angular 8 和 ReactJS(使用 NodeJS 服务器和 MySQL 数据库):https://github.com/billyjov/angular-react-microfrontend
Web 组件,即 Angular 元素:
为了处理 npm 包,你可以使用其他回答者提到的 Angular 元素的概念.您必须创建一个 shell 应用程序和另一个独立的应用程序,这些应用程序将在您的 shell 应用程序中注册为元素.看看这个例子.:构建微前端 — angular 元素
In order to deal with npm packages you can use as the other answerer mentioned the concept of Angular elements. You have to create a shell app and another independently apps that will be registred as elements in your shell app.Take a look at this example.: Building micro frontends — angular elements
The online shop Zalando
faced to the same problem and created a framework in order to deal with the problem:
特别是 Tailor.js 部分,这是一个开源系统,用于在使用 Go 编写的后端层上按需组装组件.
Espacially the part Tailor.js, an open source system for the assembling the components on-demand on a backend layer written in Go.
附注.Tailor 的灵感来自 BigPipe:流水线化网页以获得高性能来自 Facebook.
PS. Tailor was inspired by BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance from Facebook.
这个 Stackoverflow 问题在单页应用程序的情况下解释更多:
This Stackoverflow question explain more about it in case of single page application:
我认为正确的方法是在应用程序中使用相同的框架和相同版本的框架(例如 Angular 7).我更愿意花时间升级到 angular 的打字稿版本.我希望答案对其他人有用.
I Think a right way is to have in a app the same framework and the same version of this framework (e.g Angular 7). I will prefer to take a time a do a upgrade to a typescript version of angular. I hope the answer can be usefull for others.
其他 Stackoverflow 相关问答A:
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