我已经使用Topshelf创建了Windows服务. 在Start()中,我配置了在控制台应用程序中创建的SelfHosted WebAPI,如下所示
:公共无效Start() { 尝试 { baseUri ="http://localhost:8080&"; Console.WriteLine(正在启动Web服务器..."); var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseUri); config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultApi", " api/{controller}/{id}", 新的{id = RouteParameter.Optional}); 使用(HttpSelfHostServer服务器=新的HttpSelfHostServer(config)) { Console.WriteLine(服务器在{0}运行-",baseUri); server.OpenAsync().Wait(); Console.WriteLine(按Enter退出."); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine(按Enter退出."); Console.ReadLine(); }
尝试 { HostFactory.Run(configure => { configure.Service< WebServer>(service => { service.ConstructUsing(s => new WebServer()); service.WhenStarted(s => s.Start()); service.WhenStopped(s => s.Stop()); }); //窗口服务用来运行Process Engine的设置帐户. configure.RunAsLocalService(); configure.StartAutomatically(); configure.SetServiceName("Engine"); configure.SetDisplayName("Engine"); configure.SetDescription(引擎Windows服务"); }); }
ConfigureService.Configure(); Console.ReadLine();
I have created a Windows Service using Topshelf. In the Start() I have configured a SelfHosted WebAPI created in a Console application as follows
public void Start() { try { baseUri = "http://localhost:8080"; Console.WriteLine("Starting web Server..."); var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(baseUri); config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultApi", "api/{controller}/{id}", new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }); using (HttpSelfHostServer server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config)) { Console.WriteLine("Server running at {0} - ", baseUri); server.OpenAsync().Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit."); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
I configured this in my ConfigureService class as
try { HostFactory.Run(configure => { configure.Service<WebServer>(service => { service.ConstructUsing(s => new WebServer()); service.WhenStarted(s => s.Start()); service.WhenStopped(s => s.Stop()); }); //Setup Account that window service use to run Process Engine. configure.RunAsLocalService(); configure.StartAutomatically(); configure.SetServiceName("Engine"); configure.SetDisplayName("Engine"); configure.SetDescription("Engine Windows Service"); }); }
and finally in the main() of the console application I am calling
ConfigureService.Configure(); Console.ReadLine();
Now when I debug this application everything works fine. The service starts and the I can hit the url specified. But when I install this service using command line, the service starts but when I send a request to the url the service stops automatically.
I found the following error message in the event logs
The Engine service terminated with the following error:Not enough storage is available to process this command.
I found some online solutions for this and increased the size of IRPStackSize to it's maximum that is 80 in decimal but didn't work for me. Please help.