I have a list of GPS locations in a MySQL server database. The user will be entering a GPS coordinate in the application and he should get the nearest GPS coordinate.
I don't mind the distance calculation is based on "crow's flight" or anything else. It should be fast enough to search thousands of GPS locations.
I prefer solution in C#, else I will try to get the logic and apply myself.
There's one question on MySQL lat/long distance search in Need help optimizing a lat/Lon geo search for mysql
有关C#的距离计算,大多数网站使用半正矢公式 - 这里有一个C#实现 - <一个href="http://www.storm-consultancy.com/blog/development/$c$c-snippets/the-haversine-formula-in-c-and-sql/">http://www.storm-consultancy.com/blog/development/$c$c-snippets/the-haversine-formula-in-c-and-sql/ - 这也有一个SQL(MS SQL)实施过
For C# distance calculation, most sites use the Haversine formula - here's a C# implementation - http://www.storm-consultancy.com/blog/development/code-snippets/the-haversine-formula-in-c-and-sql/ - this also has a SQL (MS SQL) implementation too.
/// <summary>
/// Returns the distance in miles or kilometers of any two
/// latitude / longitude points.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos1">Location 1</param>
/// <param name="pos2">Location 2</param>
/// <param name="unit">Miles or Kilometers</param>
/// <returns>Distance in the requested unit</returns>
public double HaversineDistance(LatLng pos1, LatLng pos2, DistanceUnit unit)
double R = (unit == DistanceUnit.Miles) ? 3960 : 6371;
var lat = (pos2.Latitude - pos1.Latitude).ToRadians();
var lng = (pos2.Longitude - pos1.Longitude).ToRadians();
var h1 = Math.Sin(lat / 2) * Math.Sin(lat / 2) +
Math.Cos(pos1.Latitude.ToRadians()) * Math.Cos(pos2.Latitude.ToRadians()) *
Math.Sin(lng / 2) * Math.Sin(lng / 2);
var h2 = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Min(1, Math.Sqrt(h1)));
return R * h2;
public enum DistanceUnit { Miles, Kilometers };
For most queries... you are probably OK splitting the work between C# and SQL
- 使用MySQL来选择关闭纬度/经度点,例如:说得清纬度和液化天然气都在1.0的目标
- 然后用C#来计算更精确的距离,并选择最佳。
如果您正在使用MS SQL 2008,然后我会建议使用MS SQL地理类型,因为这些具有内置的优化索引和计算功能 - 我看到的MySQL也有一些扩展 - http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/4.1/gis-with-mysql.html - 但我已经对这些没有经验
If you were using MS SQL 2008 then I'd recommend using the MS SQL geography types as these have built-in optimised indexing and calculation features - I see that MySQL also has some extensions - http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/4.1/gis-with-mysql.html - but I've no experience with these.