




I'm new to mojolicious but have been using Perl for some time. I have to jump through some hoops but I can get the interactive Perl debugger (and Komodo) working with remote connections for Apache but I can't find anything about interactive debugging with hypnotoad or morbo.

http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/上的基础教程中的命令行示例Guides/Tutorial#Hello-World 可以正常运行,因为您可以使用perl -d启动它们,但是无论如何我都看不到告诉hypnotoadctl脚本将服务置于交互式调试模式ala apache.

The command line examples in the basic tutorial on http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Tutorial#Hello-World work fine because you can launch them with perl -d, but I don't see anyway to tell the hypnotoadctl script to put the service in interactive debug mode ala apache.


Is this not possible? Hints? Tips? Pointers?



morbo and hypnotoad are perl programs, so you can launch them with the -d switch.

perl -d $(which morbo) myMojoApp.pl

在您的应用程序周围散布一堆$DB::single = 1语句可能是最简单的,您希望在其中放置初始断点并以c作为第一个调试器命令运行.当您运行遇到断点的请求时,您将在启动morbo的终端中看到调试器提示.

It's probably easiest to sprinkle a bunch of $DB::single = 1 statements around you app where you want your initial breakpoints to go and run c as the first debugger command. When you run a request that hits a breakpoint, you'll get a debugger prompt in the terminal that launched morbo.


hypnotoad will be trickier to use with the debugger because it quickly closes all the standard filehandles, calls fork several times, and becomes a daemon.


07-20 19:40