本文介绍了XML到Java映射工具 - 带有映射描述符的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to find a library that allows me to place the content of an XML into a JavaBean (something like Digester, Jaxb, JIXB etc) but I need it to be runtime (not at compile time, or by byte code generation) and use a mapping file of some sort.


The idea will be something like Hibernate's HBM mapping files, a way to specify which XML element goes into which Java property. I am currently using Digester but I want something simpler for its rules file.

这也应该适用于1.4 JDK,因此注释不会真正起作用(但我会考虑这些响应只是为了完整性)。

This should also work on a 1.4 JDK so annotations won't really do (but I will consider such responses just for completeness's sake).

要继续,我需要一个运行时工具,它基于某种类型的XML描述符执行XML到Java,类似于此(取自JIXB)但在运行时(即传递XML,Java) class to output object和mapping descriptor):

To resume, I need a runtime tool that does XML to Java based on a XML descriptor of some sort, something like this (taken from JIXB) but at runtime (i.e. pass it the XML, the Java class to output object and the mapping descriptor):


Do you know of such a library?




Try Castor. It is able to generate java code from DTD (and probably from XSD too). So, you can generate the code at runtime and then compile it.


BTW check JAXB again. I believe that it can do the same.

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07-20 19:28