本文介绍了为什么我出现致命错误:消息为"cURL错误60"的未捕获异常"GuzzleHttp \ Exception \ RequestException"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在laravel做项目.我正在使用plivo api发送短信.为此,我遵循了

I am doing project in laravel. I am using plivo api for sending sms. For that I followed all the steps mentioned at

https://www.plivo.com/docs /getting-started/send-a-single-sms/.


but When I tried to run my php file then I am getting error message as


My php file looks like,

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Plivo\RestAPI;

$auth_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$auth_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

$p = new RestAPI($auth_id, $auth_token);

// Set message parameters
$params = array(
'src' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
'dst' => '91xxxxxxxxxx',
'text' => 'Hi, I am Amarja :)',
'url' => 'http://localhost/untitled/sentsms.php',
'method' => 'POST'
// Send message
$response = $p->send_message($params);

echo "Response : ";
print_r ($response['response']);

echo "<br> Api ID : {$response['response']['api_id']} <br>";

echo "Message UUID : {$response['response']['message_uuid'][0]} <br>";



I am not getting how to solve this problem. please help and many thanks in advance.





These directions worked for me on Windows.

当您的CA根证书丢失或过时时,会出现此问题.由于目前 ALL ,Windows平台的PHP安装程序请勿包括在发行版中的CA根证书,因此它在Windows上比在Linux上更为常见.

This problem shows up when your CA root certificates are missing or out-of-date. Since at the moment ALL the Windows platform PHP installers DO NOT include the CA root certificates in the distribution, its much more common on Windows than on Linux.


Here is how you update the CA root certificates:

  1. 下载最新的CA根证书副本. li>
  2. 将文件"cacert.pem"保存到您的计算机.例如 c:\ xampp \ php
  3. 步骤2 中的"cacert.pem"文件的位置添加到您的 php.ini 文件中.
    在您的 php.ini 文件中搜索[curl],然后更新或添加以下行:
  4. 重新启动您的Web服务器.
  1. Download an up-to-date copy of CA root certificates.
  2. Save the file "cacert.pem" to your computer. For example c:\xampp\php
  3. Add the location of the "cacert.pem" file from Step 2 to your php.ini file.
    Search for [curl] in your php.ini file and update or add the following line:
  4. Restart your web server.


Curl now has a valid CA root certificate bundle and can verify the SSL certificates of remote servers.

如果您正在运行任何 Google Cloud Platform PHP示例在Windows计算机上,您会收到以下cURL错误: CURLE_SSL_CACERT(60) -无法使用已知的CA证书对等证书进行身份验证.现在,该错误以及解决方法应该是不言自明的.

If you are running any of the Google Cloud Platform PHP examples on a Windows computer you'll get the following cURL error : CURLE_SSL_CACERT (60) - Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. That error should now be self-explanatory along with how to fix it.

这篇关于为什么我出现致命错误:消息为"cURL错误60"的未捕获异常"GuzzleHttp \ Exception \ RequestException"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 07:17