I'm getting this PBXCp error saying there is no such file or directory even though i checked and the file is there. Tried going into targets and Copy Bundle Resources deleted the file in question from there and adding it again did not solve the issue. Any help is appreciated.
PBXCp is a build utility; it copies files.
Your error is caused by it trying to copy a file, and not being able to put the file at the indicated place.
For instance: I'm getting this error as I try to build an extension for an App that is not building; my issue was that PBXCp is trying to install the extension, which did build properly, into an app bundle (essentially, a directory) that doesn't exist, which fails.
Since you're using CocoaPods, check to see whether anything needs updating or reinstalling. You could also be getting this error if you are using multiple schemes, and the results of one build are needed by a later step. If the first build fails, this error will occur in the later build step.