



I would like to see if I can make a "search as you type" implementation, against a web service, that is optimized enough for it to run on an iPhone.

这个想法是用户开始输入一个单词; Foo,每个新信后,我等待XXX毫秒。看看他们是否键入另一个字母,如果他们没有,我使用该词作为参数调用Web服务。

The idea is that the user starts typing a word; "Foo", after each new letter I wait XXX ms. to see if they type another letter, if they don't, I call the web service using the word as a parameter.


The web service call and the subsequent parsing of the result I would like to move to a different thread.

- (void)searchFor:(NSString *) str;

I have written a simple SearchWebService class, it has only one public method: - (void) searchFor:(NSString*) str;


This method tests if a search is already in progress (the user has had a XXX ms. delay in their typing) and subsequently stops that search and starts a new one. When a result is ready a delegate method is called:

- (NSArray*) resultsReady;


I can't figure out how to get this functionality 'threaded'.If I keep spawning new threads each time a user has a XXX ms. delay in the typing I end up in a bad spot with many threads, especially because I don't need any other search, but the last one.Instead of spawning threads continuously, I have tried keeping one thread running in the background all the time by:

- (void) keepRunning {

    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    SearchWebService *searchObj = [[SearchWebService alloc] init];
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]; //keeps it alive
    [searchObj release];
    [pool release];

但我不知道如何访问searchFor searchObj对象,所以上面的代码工作并继续运行。我只是不能消息 searchObj 或检索 resultReady 对象?

But I can't figure out how to access the "searchFor" method in the "searchObj" object, so the above code works and keeps running. I just can't message the searchObj or retrieve the resultReady objects?


Hope someone could point me in the right direction, threading is giving me grief:)Thank you.



Ok, I spend the last 8 hours reading up on every example out there.I came to realize that I would have to do some "Proof of Concept" code to see if there even would be a speed problem with building a new thread for "each" keystroke.


It turns out that using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue is more than adequate, both in terms of speed and especially in terms of simplicity and abstraction.


- (void) searchFieldChanged:(UITextField*) textField {

    [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
    NSString *searchString = textField.text;

    if ([searchString length] > 0) {

        [self performSelector:@selector(doSearch:) withObject:textField.text afterDelay:0.8f];

这主要是停止代码形式启动搜索对于小于800 ms的击键。分开。

This is mainly to stop the code form initiating a search for keystrokes that are less than 800 ms. apart.(I would have that a lot lower if it where not for the small touch keyboard).


- (void) doSearch:(NSString*) searchString {

    [queue cancelAllOperations];
    ISSearchOperation *searchOperation = [[ISSearchOperation alloc] initWithSearchTerm:searchString];
    [queue addOperation:searchOperation];
    [searchOperation release];


Cancel all operations that is currently in the queue. This is called every time a new search isstarted, it makes sure that the search operation already in progress gets closed down in an orderly fashion, it also makes sure that only 1 thread is ever in a "not-cancelled" state.


The implementation for the ISSearchOperation is really simple:

@implementation ISSearchOperation

- (void) dealloc {

    [searchTerm release];
    [JSONresult release];
    [parsedResult release];
    [super dealloc];

- (id) initWithSearchTerm:(NSString*) searchString {

    if (self = [super init]) {

        [self setSearchTerm:searchString];

    return self;

- (void) main {

    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
    [self setJSONresult:/*do webservice call synchronously*/];
    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
    [self setParsedResult:/*parse JSON result*/];
    if ([self isCancelled]) return;

    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(searchDataReady:) withObject:self.parsedResult waitUntilDone:YES];


每次检查之后,如果搜索已被 [NSOperationQueue cancelAllOperations] 取消,那么我们返回并且该对象在dealloc方法。

There are two major steps, the downloading of the data from the web service and the parsing.After each I check to see if the search has been canceled by [NSOperationQueue cancelAllOperations] if it has, then we return and the object is nicely cleaned up in the dealloc method.

我可能需要为web服务和解析建立某种时间,以防止队列在一个 KIA 对象。

I will probably have to build in some sort of time out for both the web service and the parsing, to prevent the queue from choking on a KIA object.

但是现在这实际上是快速的,在我的测试中,我搜索一个16.000条目字典和Xcode NSLog它的屏幕慢下来很好),每800毫秒。我通过定时器发出一个新的搜索字符串,从而取消旧的,在它完成其NSLog结果到屏幕循环。

But for now this is actually lightning fast, in my test I am searching an 16.000 entries dictionary and having Xcode NSLog it to the screen (slows things down nicely), each 800 ms. I issue a new search string via a timer and thereby canceling the old before it has finished its NSLog results to screen loop.NSOperationQueue handles this with no glitches and never more that a few ms. of two threads being executed. The UI is completely unaffected by the above tasks running in the background.



09-07 02:53