管理层已将一些任务持续时间设置为超过20天,我不确定是否将所有任务(计划,执行,...关闭)包含在一个计划中或将其拆分为多个计划?如果我按什么标准(dept或proj stage)拆分?
We are in the planning stage for a project who main execution activities will start in Oct 2016. I need to include all the tasks performed by the technical and financial departments during 20 months of planning in the schedule. My main concerns are that management has set some task durations to more than 20 days and I am not sure whether to include all tasks (planning, execution, ... close) in one schedule or split it into multiple schedules ? If I split then by what criteria (dept or proj stage)?
:不同的人将处理不同的文件。 出于治理,安全和同时工作的原因而分开。 您已经通过询问"按什么标准(部门或项目阶段)"暗示了这一点。
: different people will be working on the different files. Separate for reasons of governance, security, and enable simultaneous work. You've hinted at that by asking "by what criteria (dept or project stage)".
:单个计划文件变得庞大且难以管理。  "巨大"是一个模糊的术语但是说>成千上万行。成千上万。
: individual schedule file gets huge and unmanageable. "Huge" is a fuzzy term but say > many thousands of lines. Many thousands.
此外,请不要提供比您愿意接受的更多细节。 保持简单。 任务持续时间可能不是决定是在文件中还是包含在更高级别的整理任务中的关键驱动因素,但显然对您来说很重要
Also, don't put in more detail than you are willing to then live with. Keep it simple. Task duration is probably not the key driver to make the decision about being in the file or incorporated in some higher level collated task, but clearly important to you.
For me, bottom line: keep in one file unless there are clear reasons you recognise that drive you to split up.