本文介绍了Windows Server 2012 R2性能增强的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 全部,服务器2012 / R2的Windows性能/架构是否有任何新增强功能列表。Does any have any list of new enhancement in windows performance/architecture for server 2012/R2.我们面临着许多应用程序所有者正在寻求从服务器2003升级的情况。通常我们会问一些问题,例如我们应该选择服务器2012 R2或2008 R2。我们需要给他们充分的理由,为什么选择服务器2012将比服务器2008更有效。所有都是应用程序服务器,主要是.net4 / Java /其他第三方应用程序。We are facing a situation that many application owner are looking for upgrading from server 2003. Often we are asked questions like should we go for server 2012 R2 or 2008 R2. We need to give them solid justification why choosing server 2012 will be much more effective than server 2008. All are application server which are mostly .net4/Java/other third party application.如果有人能帮助我,那将是件好事。It would be good if any one can help me on this.谢谢和问候推荐答案 我是一般性的,在"销售"中帮助我最多的功能。 2012(R2)是改进的核心安装(您可以在其中添加和删除gui),在使用群集时提高可用性(sql alwayson / smb transparant failover),文件服务器重复数据删除,...In general, features that aid me most in "selling" 2012 (R2) are the improved core installation (where you can add and remove gui), improved availability when using clustering (sql alwayson / smb transparant failover), file server dedup,...新的Hyper-V featerurs 非常很好,但在讨论物理或vmware服务器时不会对讨论增加太多。The new Hyper-V featerurs are also very nice, but won't add much to the discussion when talking about physical or vmware servers.企业最坚定的理由通常是 EOL预测。投资2012 R2意味着您的服务器可以持续运行到2018年(主流支持结束)或2023(延长支持结束),而不是2008/2020 2008R2。The most solid arguments for businesses is often theEOL prediction. Investing in 2012 R2 means your server can keep running until 2018 (end of mainstream support) or 2023 (end of extended support) as opposed to 2015/2020 for 2008R2.对于您自己,新的servermanager非常好,脚本编写从未如此简单,这要归功于更好的:更新的posershell集成。 对于开发人员来说,2012将运行为以前的操作系统编写的任何东西,加上它具有.net4.5 对于你的安全人员:widnows比以往任何时候都更安全。最重要的是,我们可以轻松剥离资源管理器或运行核心!For yourself, the new servermanager is pretty good, and scripting has never been that easy thanks to better:newer posershell integration.For developers, 2012 will run anything that is written for previous OS, plus it has .net4.5For your security guys: widnows is more secure out-of-the-bow than it was ever before. On top we can strip explorer or run core with ease! 这篇关于Windows Server 2012 R2性能增强的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 15:40