



I have a tibble of basketball players and their statistics.


df <- tibble(
  season = c(2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
             2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014),
  player = c("player_a", "player_a", "player_a", "player_a", "player_a",
             "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg"),
  fg_perc = c(.4912, .6083, .3095, .5525, .4289,
              .4825, .4836, .4819, .4860, .4848),
  points_game = c(20, 18, 15, 19, 18,
                  12, 12, 13, 11, 12)


I've displayed a certain column (fg_perc) as a geom_line() for both player_a and league_avg. I've also wrapped it in a custom function, as I'll be using the same method for other statistics.

make_chart <- function(target_column) {
  df %>%
    ggplot(aes_string("season", target_column, label = target_column)) +
    geom_line(aes(color = player), size = 1.33)



我只想将fg_perc值显示为player_a数据的百分比.我无法弄清楚如何消除不了图例(当我传播()League_avg时).我正在寻找一种解决方案,该解决方案还能够按原样保留非百分比数字,并以类似的方式显示它们(例如,points_game仅适用于player_a).输出看起来像这样(请原谅MS Paint):

I want to display the fg_perc values as percentages for player_a data only. I can't figure out how to do this without eliminating the legend (when I spread() league_avg). I'm looking for a solution that will also be able to keep non-percentage numbers as-is, and display them in similar fashion (e.g. points_game for player_a only). The output would look something like this (please excuse the MS Paint):



如果要使用 make_chart 函数而不进行硬编码,则需要使用非标准评估(nse).许多 tidyverse 函数具有nse版本,在函数名称后用 _ 表示.如果您以编程方式使用它们,则可以使用这些版本.

If you want to use your make_chart function without hardcoding, you'll want to use non-standard evaluation (nse). Many of the tidyverse functions have nse versions, indicated by a _ after the function name. You would use these versions if you're using them programmatically.

下面将是使用nse版本的 aes filter aes _ filter _ 的粗略示例.使用nse构建功能比我在这里所做的要多得多.建议您阅读 nse上的dplyr小插图更多.

Below would be a rough example of using the nse versions of aes and filter, aes_ and filter_. There is a lot more to building functions using nse than what I've done here. I suggest you read the dplyr vignette on nse for more.

我只是使用 filter _ 而不是 ifelse 复制了@OmaymaS提供的解决方案.我还随意在函数中添加数据参数 .data 以及 player_highlight 参数. .data 使您的函数易于使用,而 player_highight 使您可以选择要突出显示的播放器(因为它们可能不止一个).您很可能想扩展功能,应该这样做!

I simply replicated the solution @OmaymaS provided, with a filter_ rather than the ifelse. I also took the liberty of adding a data parameter .data to your function, along with a player_highlight parameter. The .data lets your function be pipeable and the player_highight lets you choose which player you want to highlight (as they'll probably be more than one). You'll most likely want to expand the functionality, and should do so!


df <- data_frame(
  season = c(2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
             2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014),
  player = c("player_a", "player_a", "player_a", "player_a", "player_a",
             "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg", "league_avg"),
  fg_perc = c(.4912, .6083, .3095, .5525, .4289,
              .4825, .4836, .4819, .4860, .4848),
  points_game = c(20, 18, 15, 19, 18,
                  12, 12, 13, 11, 12)

make_chart <- function(.data, target_column, player_highlight) {
    ggplot(.data, aes_(x = ~season, y = as.name(target_column))) +
    geom_line(aes_(color = ~player), size = 1.33) +
    geom_text(data = filter_(.data, ~ player == player_highlight), aes_(label = as.name(target_column)))


df %>%


08-22 23:59