

我有一个JFrameGridBagLayout.为weightx和weighty值分配了不同的非零值,并且GridBagConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH.我在其中一个单元格中嵌套了一个JPanel,并为其提供了GridBagLayout.将组件添加到嵌套JPanel时,嵌套JPanel所在的单元格大小会在所有方面都增大,从而丢失了父级的布局.不使用插入和填充.

I have a JFrame with GridBagLayout. weightx and weighty values are assigned different no-zero values and GridBagConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH. I nested a JPanel in one of the cells and gave it a GridBagLayout too. When adding components to the nested JPanel, the cell size where the nested JPanel resides grows on all sides missing up the parent's layout. Insets and padding are not used.
How can I fix this problem?Thanks.This is an example of the GridBagConstraints values:

GridBagConstraints treePanCon = new GridBagConstraints();
treePanCon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
treePanCon.weightx = 0.5;
treePanCon.weighty = 1;
treePanCon.gridx = 0;
treePanCon.gridy = 0;
treePanCon.gridwidth = 1;
treePanCon.gridheight = 1;


This is a screenshot before adding components to the nested JPanel:


This a screenshot after adding components to the nested JPanel:


这正是应该发生的情况.请说明您要寻找的行为.顺便说一句,J2SE可用的布局管理器并不理想.一生中做了大量的Swing工作,我强烈建议您查看JGoodies表单: http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/forms/.查看白皮书,它比GridBag易于使用且直观得多.

That's exactly what is supposed to happen. Please explain the behavior you're looking for. As an aside the layout managers available with J2SE are less than ideal. Having done a large amount of Swing work in a past life I would highly recommend checking out JGoodies forms: http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/forms/. Check out the whitepaper, it's easy to use and much more intuitive than GridBag.


08-20 09:42