I have a web form that has 10 textboxes and 5 range validations. The first 5 textboxes have data that is populated from the database. The other 5 textboxes are the for input data. The range validator has a formula that will find out if the value is lower or higher than 20%. If the first populated textbox has a data of 651684 and the user enters 651684 the range validator does not fire because of this formula:
int iMinVal = (itxtVal - itxtVal * 20 / 100);
这意味着textbox1 - textbox2 * 20/100 = 0.所以,0是我这个范围的最小值。
Which means textbox1 - textbox2 * 20/100 = 0. So, 0 is my minimum value for this range.
When trying to set the maximum value I have this formula:
int iMaxVal = (itxtVal + itxtVal * 20 / 100);
这意味着textbox1 + textbox2 * 20/100 = 260673.6。因此,260273.6比651684高出20%。我正在努力确保我的计算公式正确,以使RangeValidation正确启动。
Which means textbox1 + textbox2 * 20/100 = 260673.6. So, 260273.6 is 20% higher than 651684. I am trying to make sure I have my calculation formula right to get the RangeValidation to fire correctly.
Here is the whole formula that I am using.
int itxtVal = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);
int iMinVal = (itxtVal - itxtVal * 20 / 100);
int iMaxVal = (itxtVal + itxtVal * 20 / 100);
RangeValidator1.MinimumValue = iMinVal.ToString();
RangeValidator1.MaximumValue = iMaxVal.ToString();
Is my calculation formula correct to finding out if the value in textbox2 is 20% higher or lower than the value in the populated textbox1?
int itxtVal = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);
int iMinVal = (itxtVal - itxtVal * 20 / 100);
int iMaxVal = (itxtVal + itxtVal * 20 / 100);
因此,如果itxtVal = 100,
则iMinVal = 100 - 100 * 20/100 = 100 - 20 = 80,
和iMaxVal = 100 + 100 * 20/100 = 120
So, if itxtVal = 100,
then iMinVal = 100 - 100 * 20 /100 = 100 - 20 = 80,
and iMaxVal = 100 + 100 * 20 / 100 = 120
So yes, your formula is correct.
UPDATE (from comments): Your formula can be greatly simplified making it easier to read and understand.
Also, using the Integer datatype causes your numbers to be rounded. If you don't want that, use Double instead. Don't forget to set the RangeValidator.Type property to Double as well.
double txtVal = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text);
double minVal = (txtVal * 0.8);
double maxVal = (txtVal * 1.2);
RangeValidator1.MinimumValue = minVal.ToString();
RangeValidator1.MaximumValue = maxVal.ToString();