我们正在 VB.NET 和 SQL Server 中重写我们的旧版会计系统.我们引入了一个新的 .NET/SQL 程序员团队来进行重写.大多数系统已经完成了使用浮动的美元金额.我编写的遗留系统语言没有浮点数,所以我可能会使用小数.
We are rewriting our legacy accounting system in VB.NET and SQL Server. We brought in a new team of .NET/ SQL Programmers to do the rewrite. Most of the system is already completed with the dollar amounts using floats. The legacy system language, I programmed in, did not have a float, so I probably would have used a decimal.
Should the float or decimal data type be used for dollar amounts?
在我们的每日 Scrumcon/a> 在计算返回超过两位小数的结果的数量时是否必须小心.听起来您必须将金额四舍五入到小数点后两位.
另一个con是所有显示和打印的金额都必须有一个格式声明,显示两个小数位.我注意到有几次没有这样做并且金额看起来不正确.(即 10.2 或 10.2546)
一个 pro 是仅浮点方法在磁盘上占用八个字节,而十进制将占用九个字节(十进制 12,2).
The answer is easy. Never floats. NEVER!
浮点数根据 IEEE 754 始终是二进制的,只有新标准 IEEE 754R 定义的十进制格式.许多小数二进制部分永远不能等于精确的十进制表示.
Floats were according to IEEE 754 always binary, only the new standard IEEE 754R defined decimal formats. Many of the fractional binary parts can never equal the exact decimal representation.
, n
.由于二进制缺少质数factor 5
Any binary number can be written as m/2^n
, n
positive integers), any decimal number as m/(2^n*5^n)
.As binaries lack the prime factor 5
, all binary numbers can be exactly represented by decimals, but not vice versa.
0.3 = 3/(2^1 * 5^1) = 0.3
0.3 = [0.25/0.5] [0.25/0.375] [0.25/3.125] [0.2825/3.125]
1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32
So you end up with a number either higher or lower than the given decimal number. Always.
Why does that matter? Rounding.
正常四舍五入意味着向下 0..4,向上 5..9.所以结果是确实很重要0.049999999999
.... 或 0.0500000000
... 你可能知道这意味着 5 cent,但计算机不知道并舍入 0.4999
代码>...向下(错误)和 0.5000
Normal rounding means 0..4 down, 5..9 up. So it does matter if the result iseither 0.049999999999
.... or 0.0500000000
... You may know that it means 5 cent, but the the computer does not know that and rounds 0.4999
... down (wrong) and 0.5000
... up (right).
Given that the result of floating point computations always contain small error terms, the decision is pure luck. It gets hopeless if you want decimal round-to-even handling with binary numbers.
Unconvinced? You insist that in your account system everything is perfectly ok?Assets and liabilities equal? Ok, then take each of the given formatted numbers of each entry, parse them and sum them with an independent decimal system!
Compare that with the formatted sum. Oops, there is something wrong, isn't it?
对于该计算,需要极高的准确性和保真度(我们使用 Oracle 的FLOAT)所以我们可以记录一分钱的十亿分之一"被录取.
It doesn't help against this error. Because all people automatically assume that the computer sums right, and practically no one checks independently.