I want to create a function for use in a pipe() call in Gulp that'll enable conversion of xlsx files to json.
gulp 3的NPM软件包'excel-as-json',但是Gulp 4迫使我真正了解它在做什么;-)
I had this working with NPM package 'excel-as-json' for gulp 3, however Gulp 4 has forced me to actually understand what it is doing ;-)
六个小时后,由于缺乏js / async / streaming知识而使其无法工作,这激起了我的好奇心。
Six hours in, and my incapacity of getting this to work due to a lack of js/async/streaming knowledge is punching my curiosity.
paths = {excel_sourcefiles: "./sourcefiles/*.xls*", excel_targetdir_local_csvjson: "./targetfiles_local/*.*"}
var replaceExt = require('replace-ext');
var PluginError = require('plugin-error')
var gulpFunction = require('gulp-function').gulpFunction // default ES6 export
var through = require("through2")
var convertExcel = require('excel-as-json').processFile;
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
var assign = Object.assign || require('object.assign');
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var gulpIgnore = require('gulp-ignore');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('excel-to-jsoncsv', function() {
return gulp.src(paths.excel_sourcefiles)
// .pipe(debug())
.pipe(gulpIgnore.exclude("*\~*")) // Ignore temporary files by Excel while xlsx is open
.pipe(gulpIgnore.exclude("*\$*")) // Ignore temporary files by Excel while xlsx is open
.pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError('gulp-excel-to-jsoncsv error: <%= error.message %>')}))
.pipe(changed(paths.excel_targetdir_local_glob, { extension: '.csv' }))
.pipe(GulpConvertExcelToJson()) // This is where the magic should happen
.pipe(rename({ extname: '.csv' })) // Saving as .csv for SharePoint (does not allow .json files to be saved)
function GulpConvertExcelToJson() {
return through.obj(function(chunk, enc, callback) {
var self = this
if (chunk.isNull() || chunk.isDirectory()) {
callback() // Do not process directories
// return
if (chunk.isStream()) {
callback() // Do not process streams
// return
if (chunk.isBuffer()) {
convertExcel(chunk.path, null, null, // Converts file found at `chunk.path` and returns (err, `data`) its callback.
function(err, data) {
if (err) {
callback(new PluginError("Excel-as-json", err))
chunk.contents = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data))
// return
} else {
我(现在)知道还有其他excel> json gulp模块可以使我无需编写自己的模块即可解决此问题,但我想了解在这里应该做些什么。
I (now) know there are other excel > json gulp modules that could allow me to solve this problem without writing my own module, yet I'd like to understand what I should do different here.
返回的错误是您是否忘记表示异步完成?,我试着不这样做。但是,可能我尝试使用 var self = this
修复错误 this.push不是函数不是我应该做的事情。
The error returned is 'Did you forget to signal Async completion?', which I tried to not do. However, probably my attempt to fix the error 'this.push is not a function' with a var self = this
is not what I was supposed to do.
Looking at examples like gulp-zip introduced me to unfamiliar notations, making me unable to autodidact my way out of this.
- 如何通过through.obj函数调用来调用异步函数,其中块的内容将通过(不受我的控制)异步功能仅向我提供回调(错误,数据)?
此问题来自 excel
库。 。
This problem is coming deep from the excel
library. The end
event should be finish
I did the following, to install the modified excel.js:
rm -rf node_modules/excel
git clone https://github.com/bdbosman/excel.js node_modules/excel
cd node_modules/excel && npm i && cd ../..
由于 excel-as -json
使用旧版本的 excel
您必须修改 excel-as-json
模块,以使用 excel@1.0.0
Either you have to modify the excel-as-json
module, to use excel@1.0.0
(after the Pull Request is merged) or manually edit the file in node_modules. I will describe the second way here.
编辑 excel
Edit the excel
file after installing the modules.
sed -i "s/'end'/'finish'/g" node_modules/excel/excelParser.js
$ gulp excel-to-jsoncsv
[19:48:21] Using gulpfile ~/so-question-gulp-async-function-call-xlsx/gulpfile.js
[19:48:21] Starting 'excel-to-jsoncsv'...
[19:48:21] Finished 'excel-to-jsoncsv' after 126 ms