im not a coder but i need to implement a simple HTML parser.
After a simple research i was able to implement as a given example:
from lxml import html
import requests
page = requests.get('https://URL.COM')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
#This will create a list of buyers:
buyers = tree.xpath('//div[@title="buyer-name"]/text()')
#This will create a list of prices
prices = tree.xpath('//span[@class="item-price"]/text()')
print 'Buyers: ', buyers
print 'Prices: ', prices
How can i use tree.xpath to parse all words ending with ".com.br" and starting with "://"
标记和关联的链接.解析树将由html元素本身组织,您可以通过专门搜索这些元素来查找文本.对于网址,它看起来像这样(使用python 3.6中的lxml
As @nosklo pointed out here, you are looking for href
tags and the associated links. A parse tree will be organized by the html elements themselves, and you find text by searching those elements specifically. For urls, this would look like so (using the lxml
library in python 3.6):
from lxml import etree
from io import StringIO
import requests
# Set explicit HTMLParser
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
page = requests.get('https://URL.COM')
# Decode the page content from bytes to string
html = page.content.decode("utf-8")
# Create your etree with a StringIO object which functions similarly
# to a fileHandler
tree = etree.parse(StringIO(html), parser=parser)
# Call this function and pass in your tree
def get_links(tree):
# This will get the anchor tags <a href...>
refs = tree.xpath("//a")
# Get the url from the ref
links = [link.get('href', '') for link in refs]
# Return a list that only ends with .com.br
return [l for l in links if l.endswith('.com.br')]
# Example call
links = get_links(tree)