I am new to php and am trying to build a website. I would like to logout user session if he is idle for some time. I searched the web but i couldn't find the proper code. How do you check whether user is idle or not in php?. Can anyone help me please.
There are a few ways to do this. Here are a couple...
set a session expiry time, such that after a certain amount of time, the session expires and is no longer valid.
set a 'time' flag as session data, and check if their session is still 'new enough' to keep them logged in each pageload.
我会选择第二种选择,因为很难在PHP中设置正确的值以使会话安全地到期,以及您希望的方式.使用第二个选项,您要做的就是确保会话在您想要的会话之前不过期 .
I would opt for the second choice, as it can be difficult to set the right values in PHP such that the session expires securely, and the way you want it to. With the second option, all you have to do is make sure the session will not expire before you want it to, which is easier.
//on pageload
$idletime=60;//after 60 seconds the user gets logged out
if (time()-$_SESSION['timestamp']>$idletime){
//on session creation
Your comment explains that you'd actually like to keep track of mouse events and other things on the client side to determine if the user is idle. This is more complicated. I will give a general solution, and then offer a couple suggestions for optimizations and improvements.
To accomplish what you've described, you must track clientside activity (mouse movements, keyboard strokes etc) and process that information on the server side.
Tracking clientside activity will require javascript event handlers. You should create an event handler for every action you want to count as 'not being idle', and keep track (in a javascript variable) of when the last time they've been idle is.
在服务器端处理该信息将需要您使用 ajax 将上次空闲时间发送给服务器.因此,每隔几秒钟,您应该(使用javascript)向服务器发送一个更新,该更新指定用户空闲了多长时间.
Processing that info on the server side will require you to use ajax to send the last time they've been idle to the server. So every few seconds, you should send the server an update (using javascript) which specifies how long the user has been idle.
You should not rely on this ajax solution as the only way to track user activity, as some users will not have JS enabled. So, you should also track user activity on pageload. Accordingly you should probably not set the idle time too low (at least for non-JS users), as non-JS users will not be sending any data to the server until pageloads occur.
You should send updates to the server via ajax as infrequently as possible about user activity to decrease demand on the server. To do this, simply have javascript keep track of when the user would time out. If it gets to the point where the user is about to time out (say, in about a minute or so), then and only then ping the server.