

当我点击运行 - >调试配置将有3种不同类型的simuator:

When i click Run -> Debug Configuration there will be a 3 different types of simuator :

  1. BlackBerry模拟器

  2. BlackBerry设备和

  3. BlackBerry模拟器(运行)


Which one should i use?


This is the picture :


And everytime i want to debug my code in the simulator(f11), the annoying question will be appear. This is the picture :


  1. 我应该使用哪一个呢?

  2. 有什么不同?和

  3. 有没有什么办法让恼人的问题(第2图像)不会再次出现?


(I dont know what the 2nd picture (dialog) is for. Although it keeps asking that question, i cant really choose, because only 1 choice will run smooth while the other 2 will make an error, so why is it asking?).



I've had these problems, too. It's not very clear.


Basically, BlackBerry Device would be for running on a real BlackBerry smartphone. To choose this, obviously, you must have a BlackBerry smartphone connected.

至于另外两个,我总是使用 BlackBerry模拟器自己。这听起来像 BlackBerry模拟器(运行)将是上已经开始仿真运行。但是,根据我的经验,在选择的 BlackBerry模拟器通常工作,即使模拟器已经启动。然而,尽管有几种方法在Eclipse(正常的Ec​​lipse的运行/调试菜单,在黑莓菜单,或右键点击该项目在Eclipse中的做到这一点工程资源管理器),我没有一直与他们良好的成功。

As for the other two, I always use BlackBerry Simulator myself. It sounds like BlackBerry Simulator (running) would be for running on a simulator that has already been started. But, in my experience, choosing BlackBerry Simulator usually works, even if the simulator has already been started. However, although there are several ways to do this within Eclipse (the normal Eclipse Run / Debug menus, the BlackBerry menu, or right clicking on the project in Eclipse's Project Explorer), I haven't always had good success with all of them.

近日(JDE插件1.5.0+),我一直在使用Eclipse的运行 - >调试方式 - >黑莓模拟器的选择,或特殊的黑莓插件调试图标:

Recently (JDE plugin 1.5.0+), I have been using the Eclipse Run -> Debug As -> BlackBerry Simulator choice, or the special BlackBerry plugin Debug icon:


When I start either of these ways, it does not ask me to make another choice.

请注意,我没有看到正确的热插拔(重新启动应用程序没有一个完整的模拟器重新启动)功能,工作在所有的仿真,甚至包括那些OS> 5.0,如果我使用Eclipse。

Note that I don't see the hot swap (restart app without a full simulator restart) feature work correctly on all simulators, even those with OS > 5.0, if I use Eclipse.


Here are some more references on running and debugging within Eclipse:


顺便说一句,提到的 BlackBerry模拟器(运行),而较新的版本(1.5)没有。所以,也许RIM不再打算供你使用这样的选择(?)。

By the way, an older (plugin 1.3) version of that document mentions BlackBerry Simulator (running), while the newer version (1.5) does not. So, maybe RIM no longer intends for you to use that choice (?).



08-24 16:57