

我正在使用Outlook加载项(Outlook 2010+),该加载项从共享点站点获取数据并将其显示在类似结构的PST树中.用户可以导航到在电子邮件窗格中显示该文件夹内容的文件夹.用户可以将文件上传到共享点 等

I am working on an Outlook AddIn (Outlook 2010+) which gets data from a sharepoint site and shows it in a PST tree like structure.  User can navigate into folders which shows content of that folder in email pane.  User can upload files to sharepoint etc.

但是,我们需要确保数据随时更新并快速更新.实施某种形式的拉动并不意味着所有这些.拉取数据仅在特定的时间间隔内发生,这意味着在这些时间间隔之间,数据可能不是最新的. 牵拉还会带来很多网络拥塞,因为它通常会牵拉大量数据.我正在寻找的是某种通知或事件,可以引发这些通知或事件,以便仅将更新的内容传递到我的Outlook加载项.它应该提供 将更新的内容添加到已注册的AddIn中,或者至少应该提供一些方法来标识共享点上的更新项目,以便AddIn仅在需要时才进行有针对性的提取(因此,仅提取更改的内容,并且仅在更改时提取内容).

However, we need to ensure data is updated at all times and updated fast.  Implementing some kind of pulling means none of these.  Pulling data happens only on certain time interval meaning inbetween these intervals, data may not be current.  Pulling also imposes lots of network congestion as it mostly pulls larger amounts of data.  What I am looking is some kind of notifications or events that can be raised to deliver only updated content to my Outlook AddIn.  It should either deliver updated content to registered AddIn or at least it should provide some ways of identifying updated items on sharepoint so AddIn can do targeted pull only when needed (so, pull only what changed and only when it changed).


To explain, I am working on an Outlook AddIn which displays sharepoint structure (site, libraries, folders and if a folder is selected, it displays content of that folder.


I am trying to avoid pulling sharepoint on regular intervals for updates to this structure but would rather like to get the updates pushed to me.  For example


1. user adds site A


2. my Outlook AddIn builds a tree like PST structure based on content of that site and shows every library, folder in that site


3. I can navigate through the PST site node to see its subsites, libraries, folders


4. I can navigate to these to see content (files) in it in the Outlook inbox pane


In order to achieve this, I have to frequently pull for updates and refresh the PST and content in it.  This leads to number of very complex issues and affects performance.

我要做的是每次文件或文件夹或库等发生更改(添加,删除,修改)并推送修改后的信息时得到通知,以便我可以使用它更有效地更新Outlook中的结构.这减少了网络流量 和时间来进行更新并改善我的AddIn的性能.用户始终在更新数据的同时不会降低性能.使用任何类型的请求同步都无法实现这一点,我必须使用某种推送通知.

What I want to do is to get notified every time a file or folder or library etc has changed (Added, Deleted, Modified) and pushed modified information so I can use it to update my structure in outlook more efficiently.  This reduces networking traffic and time to do an update and improves performance of my AddIn.  User has always updated data without lagging performance.  This cannot be achieved with any kind of pull synchronization, there must be some kind of push notifications that I could use.

SharePoint 2010版及更高版本

SharePoint versions 2010 and higher


Outlook version 2010 and higher


So, app is add in to outlook, not running on server


App is running on same network


App has same permissions on SharePoint as the current user using the app





To get the notification when there is any update for lists/libraries, the only OOB method is using "Alert Me" feature.


In the list/library ribbon, you can select "set alert on this list/library" which will send alert email if there is any changes.


Or you can create custom event receiver for your request.


在Visual Studio 2010中创建SharePoint 2010事件接收器

Creating SharePoint 2010 Event Receivers in Visual Studio 2010



Grace Wang

Grace Wang


08-20 07:26