我的sqlite prepare语句有些困难。我得到一个错误,说我的桌子不存在,虽然我已经检查了多个地方,但确实存在,所以我很困惑。
I'm having some difficulty with my sqlite prepare statement. I get an error saying my table does not exist, although I've checked in multiple places for it, and it does exist, so I'm confuzzled.
- 该文件位于正确的iPhone模拟器应用程序文件夹中
- 该文件已添加到我的项目中可以在项目导航器中查看
- 它也在我的构建阶段 - 复制捆绑资源区域。
- 我已经清理并再次开始运行。
- The file is in the correct iPhone Simulator Application folder
- The file is added to my project and viewable in the project navigator
- It is also in my build phases- Copy Bundle Resources area.
- I've cleaned and started running again.
The database exists and running my sql statement gets me just theresults I expected.
- (NSMutableArray *) getMyWorkout{
NSMutableArray *workoutArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
@try {
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *dbPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath ]stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"IOSDB.sqlite"];
NSLog(@"Db path is %@",dbPath);
BOOL success = [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:dbPath];
if(!success) {
NSLog(@"Cannot locate database file '%@'.", dbPath);
if(!(sqlite3_open([dbPath UTF8String], &db) == SQLITE_OK)){
NSLog(@"Failed to open database with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
const char *sql = "SELECT Id, type, difficulty, duration, description FROM workoutTbl";
sqlite3_stmt *sqlStatement;
if(sqlite3_prepare(db, sql, -1, &sqlStatement, NULL) != SQLITE_OK){
NSLog(@"%s Prepare failure '%s' (%1d)", __FUNCTION__, sqlite3_errmsg(db), sqlite3_errcode(db));
} //...
When I run it, I get the file path and the following error
2013-02-01 18:07:08.060 TriShake[9251:c07] -[MyWorkoutList getMyWorkout] Prepare failure 'no such table: workoutTbl' (1)
I've checked out these other questions, but have been unable to find a solution
- Sqlite Prepare Failed: no such table<tablename>
- Sqlite3 gives "no such table" error on iPhone
I understand sqlite3_open() creates an empty database for you if the database path does not exist, but i know it exists, so frustration ensues. Any help or guidance you could give me would be much appreciated.
In terms of your immediate problem, it's going to be something simple.
You say you've "cleaned and built again", but have you actually removed the old app from your simulator? Either remove the app manually, or, easier, just reset the simulator entirely by choosing "reset content and settings" from the "iOS Simulator" menu. Sometimes Xcode is not good about knowing what files to copy over (particularly in a case like this where your running it on the device may be changing the timestamp of the file in the simulator's bundle!)
如果应用程序无法正常工作,请打开模拟器文件夹中的数据库Mac并检查数据库以确保表格在那里并且正如您预期的那样。因此,导航到应用程序,打开捆绑包(您可能必须选择显示包内容选项),确认数据库的存在,但同样重要的是,在您喜欢的Mac中打开数据库的这个特定副本 sqlite3
If the app doesn't work as expected, open up the database in the simulator folder from the Mac and check out the database to make sure the table is there and precisely as you expected it to be. So navigate to the app, open the bundle (you may have to choose the "show package contents" option), confirm the existence of the database, but just as importantly, open it up this particular copy of the database in your favorite Mac sqlite3
tool of choice and confirm the existence of the table there.
Let us know what you find. Again, it's got to be something simple such as:
Perhaps the process of rebuilding the app was not reinstalling everything; I've occasionally had problems where Xcode elected to not re-copy something during the install on my simulator;
Perhaps your database in your project was accidentally put in a subdirectory, worse, you might have two copies sitting in different directories;
Perhaps the database in your Xcode project is missing (or has a typo or (esp in the case of the device) has incorrect filename capitalization) in the name of the table or file;
For a lot of these errors, you won't notice the problem until you completely reset the simulator itself. There are a million little things it could be, but hopefully completely resetting the simulator and starting over will help you find the issue. It's always something simple when it comes to these sorts of issues.
You probably should not be opening databases from the bundle. Programmatically copy it from the bundle to the
folder, and open the database from there. I know it seems unnecessary, but it's important for a myriad of reasons (if db changes during operation of the app, if db accidentally gets created on you, don't let Xcode get confused about things that changed (even if only file timestamps) in the bundle changing behind Xcode's back, etc.)
You should, if you need the database to be there, use sqlite3_open_v2
, using either SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE or SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY for flags (but do not include SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE
). It causes headaches to ever give sqlite a chance to create a blank database for you, or otherwise modify it, so never give it an opportunity to so.
这篇关于sqlite prepare语句错误 - 没有这样的表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!