本文介绍了jQuery $.cookie 不是函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在尝试使用 jQuery 设置 cookie:

I am trying to set a cookie using jQuery:

$.cookie("testCookie", "hello");

但是当我加载我的页面时,我收到错误$.cookie is not a function".以下是我所知道的:

But when I load my page, I receive the error "$.cookie is not a function". Here is what I know:

  • 我已经在这里下载了 jQuery cookie 插件.
  • 我正在链接到 jQuery,然后是 cookie 插件.
  • jQuery 和 jQuery.cookie 均以 200 OK 正确加载.
  • I have downloaded the jQuery cookie plugin here.
  • I am linking to jQuery and THEN the cookie plugin.
  • Both jQuery and jQuery.cookie are loading correctly with 200 OKs.

我查看了其他几个答案(此处此处 等),大多数人建议将 cookie.js 文件重命名为该文件.我已将我的 cookie 文件重命名为jquery.cookeee.js",但结果是一样的.

I have looked at several other answers (here and here among others), to which most people suggested renaming the cookie.js file. I have renamed my cookie file "jquery.cookeee.js" but the results are the same.


Any ideas on what is going on here?

如果有帮助,我将在 MVC 4 中创建一个 Web 应用程序.

If it helps, I am creating a web application in MVC 4.



Here are all the possible problems/solutions I have come across:

$.cookie 不是标准的 jQuery 函数,需要下载插件 这里.确保在必要时包含适当的 标记(见下文).

$.cookie is not a standard jQuery function and the plugin needs to be downloaded here. Make sure to include the appropriate <script> tag where necessary (see next).

当包含 cookie 脚本时,确保首先包含 jQuery,然后是 cookie 插件.

When including the cookie script, make sure to include jQuery FIRST, then the cookie plugin.

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-2.0.3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery_cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

3.不要多次包含 jQuery

这是我的问题.确保您不会多次包含 jQuery.如果是,则可能是:

3. Don't include jQuery more than once

This was my problem. Make sure you aren't including jQuery more than once. If you are, it is possible that:

  1. jQuery 加载正确.
  2. cookie 插件加载正确.
  3. 您第二次加入 jQuery 会覆盖第一个并破坏 cookie 插件.

对于使用 ASP.Net MVC 项目的任何人,请注意默认的 javascript 包包含.我第二次加入 jQuery 是在我的全局布局页面之一的 @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") 下.

For anyone using ASP.Net MVC projects, be careful with the default javascript bundle inclusions. My second inclusion of jQuery was within one of my global layout pages under the line @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery").


In some rare cases, renaming the file to something that does NOT include ".cookie" has fixed this error, apparently due to web server issues. By default, the downloaded script is titled "jquery.cookie.js" but try renaming it to something like "jquery_cookie.js" as shown above. More details on this problem are here.

这篇关于jQuery $.cookie 不是函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 12:51