本文介绍了linq to nhibernate compareto 不支持的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有 linq to nhibernate 查询:

I've got linq to nhibernate query:

var listka =
    from i in FakturyZakupu.Queryable
    where String.Compare(i.REJESTRY.REJ_KOD,sbWartoscBetween1.ToString()) >= 0
    && String.Compare(i.REJESTRY.REJ_KOD,sbWartoscBetween2.ToString()) <= 0
    select i;

lista = listka.ToList();


And it is compiling very well, but if I use it, the exception is thrown:

NotSupportedException int32 CompareTo(System.String, System.String)

如何在两个值之间使用 linq 查询字符串值.就像在 SQL 中:select * from table where id 介于 a 和 b 之间?

How could I take using linq query string values between two values. Like in SQL:select * from table where id between a and b ?


NHibernate 的 Linq provider 非常可扩展.您可以扩展它以允许任何表达式,只要您可以在 HQL 中编写该表达式,因为 NHibernate 的 Linq 正在转换为 HQL.

NHibernate's Linq provider is very extendable. You could extend it to allow any expression, as long as you can write that expression in HQL, since NHibernate's Linq is converting to HQL.

因此,如果您为 between 编写扩展,您的代码可能如下所示:

So, if you write the extension for Between, your code could look like this:

var listka =
    from i in FakturyZakupu.Queryable
    where i.REJESTRY.REJ_KOD.Between(sbWartoscBetween1, sbWartoscBetween2)
    select i;

lista = listka.ToList();


Here are some links to get you started:

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08-30 03:15