

我写了一个mysql select query以根据始发州,起源城市,目的地州和目的地城市获取时间表详细信息.在我的查询中,我使用了ANDOR运算符.

I have a written a mysql select query to fetch schedule details based on origin states,origin city,destination state and destination city. In my query i have used AND and OR operator.


SELECT * FROM TruckLoadSchedule ts
WHERE ts.originState IN (states) AND ts.originCity IN (cities)
   OR ts.destState IN (states) AND ts.destCity IN (cities);

但是我需要知道上述查询中AND和OR运算符的优先级,我的意思是说它会在内部执行类似(X AND Y) OR (M AND Q)的操作吗?

But I need to know the priority of AND and OR operator in the above query, i mean to say will it do something like this (X AND Y) OR (M AND Q) internally?


是的,AND的优先级高于OR. x和y绑定在一起,m和q绑定在一起,然后对所得表达式进行或"运算.

Yes, AND has higher precedence than OR. x and y are bound together, m and q are bound together, then the resulting expressions are ORed.


08-28 06:19