


I was troubleshooting a (de)serialization issue with the following class using Json.Net:

public class CoinsWithdrawn
    public DateTimeOffset WithdrawlDate { get; private set; }
    public Dictionary<CoinType, int> NumberOfCoinsByType { get; private set; }

    public CoinsWithdrawn(DateTimeOffset withdrawDate, Dictionary<CoinType, int> numberOfCoinsByType)
        WithdrawlDate = withdrawDate;
        NumberOfCoinsByType = numberOfCoinsByType;


The problem is that the constructor argument "withdrawDate" is named differently than the property name "WithDrawlDate". Making the names match (even ignoring case) fixed the issue.


However, I wanted to understand this a little better, so I reverted the code and tested after making both the setters public. This also fixed the problem.


Finally, I switched from auto-properties to properties with backing fields so that I could fully debug and see what was actually going on:

public class CoinsWithdrawn
    private DateTimeOffset _withdrawlDate;
    private Dictionary<CoinType, int> _numberOfCoinsByType;

    public DateTimeOffset WithdrawlDate
        get { return _withdrawlDate; }
        set { _withdrawlDate = value; }

    public Dictionary<CoinType, int> NumberOfCoinsByType
        get { return _numberOfCoinsByType; }
        set { _numberOfCoinsByType = value; }

    public CoinsWithdrawn(DateTimeOffset withdrawDate, Dictionary<CoinType, int> numberOfCoinsByType)
        WithdrawlDate = withdrawDate;
        NumberOfCoinsByType = numberOfCoinsByType;


I tried this with and without a default constructor (code shown omits the default constructor).


With the default constructor: default constructor is called, then both property setters are called.

没有默认构造函数:调用非默认构造函数,然后调用WithDrawlDate setter.永远不会调用NumberOfCoinsByType setter.

Without the default constructor: non-default constructor is called, then WithDrawlDate setter is called. NumberOfCoinsByType setter is never called.


My best guess is that the deserializer is keeping track of which properties can be set via the constructor (by some convention, since casing seems to be ignored), and then uses property setters where possible to fill in the gaps.


Is this the way it works? Are the order of operations/rules for deserialization documented somewhere?


是的,这就是要点.如果您查看源代码,您会发现自己.在JsonSerializerInternalReader类中,有一种方法 CreateObjectUsingCreatorWithParameters 使用非默认构造函数处理对象的实例化.我已在下面复制了相关内容.

Yes, that's pretty much the gist. If you take a look at the source code you can see for yourself. In the JsonSerializerInternalReader class there is a method CreateObjectUsingCreatorWithParameters which handles the instantiation of objects using a non-default constructor. I've copied the relevant bits below.


The ResolvePropertyAndCreatorValues method grabs the data values from the JSON, then the loop tries to match them up to the constructor parameters. Those that don't match are added to the remainingPropertyValues dictionary. The object is then instantiated using the matched parameters, with null/default values used to fill any gaps. A second loop later in the method (not shown here) then attempts to call setters on the object for the remaining properties in this dictionary.

IDictionary<JsonProperty, object> propertyValues =
    ResolvePropertyAndCreatorValues(contract, containerProperty, reader, objectType, out extensionData);

object[] creatorParameterValues = new object[contract.CreatorParameters.Count];
IDictionary<JsonProperty, object> remainingPropertyValues = new Dictionary<JsonProperty, object>();

foreach (KeyValuePair<JsonProperty, object> propertyValue in propertyValues)
    JsonProperty property = propertyValue.Key;

    JsonProperty matchingCreatorParameter;
    if (contract.CreatorParameters.Contains(property))
        matchingCreatorParameter = property;
        // check to see if a parameter with the same name as the underlying property name exists and match to that
        matchingCreatorParameter = contract.CreatorParameters.ForgivingCaseSensitiveFind(p => p.PropertyName, property.UnderlyingName);

    if (matchingCreatorParameter != null)
        int i = contract.CreatorParameters.IndexOf(matchingCreatorParameter);
        creatorParameterValues[i] = propertyValue.Value;


object createdObject = creator(creatorParameterValues);


参数匹配算法本质上是不区分大小写的搜索,如果找到多个匹配项,则回落为区分大小写.看看 实用程序方法.

The parameter matching algorithm is essentially a case insensitive search that falls back to being case sensitive if there are multiple matches found. Take a look at the ForgivingCaseSensitiveFind utility method if you're interested.


Not to my knowledge. Official documentation is here, but it does not go into this level of detail.


09-02 10:12