How to hide X button at message box?I want to see this, if is possible: 解决方案 I do not think this is possible.One possible workaround is to implement the message box from the scratch.And remove the biSystemMenu from the TForm.BorderIcons (or actually setting it empty).procedure MyMessageBoxWithoutCloseButton;var Form: TSetupForm; Button: TNewButton; MesssageLabel: TLabel;begin Form := CreateCustomForm; Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog; Form.Position := poOwnerFormCenter; Form.ClientWidth := ScaleX(400); Form.ClientHeight := ScaleY(130); Form.BorderIcons := []; { No close button } Form.Caption := 'Caption'; MesssageLabel := TLabel.Create(Form); MesssageLabel.Parent := Form; MesssageLabel.Left := ScaleX(16); MesssageLabel.Top := ScaleX(16); MesssageLabel.Width := Form.ClientWidth - 2*ScaleX(16); MesssageLabel.Height := ScaleY(32); MesssageLabel.AutoSize := False; MesssageLabel.WordWrap := True; MesssageLabel.Caption := 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...'; Button := TNewButton.Create(Form); Button.Parent := Form; Button.Width := ScaleX(80); Button.Height := ScaleY(24); Button.Left := Form.ClientWidth - Button.Width - ScaleX(8); Button.Top := Form.ClientHeight - Button.Height - ScaleY(8); Button.Caption := 'Accept'; Button.ModalResult := mrOK; Form.ShowModal;end;Note that it's still possible to close the message box using .To prevent that handle OnCloseQuery. For an example, see How to Delete / Hide / Disable [OK] button on message box. 这篇关于Inno Setup-在消息框中隐藏X按钮(关闭)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!