

我正在阅读Scott Meyers的《 Effective Modern C ++》,他正在讨论pimpl习惯用法,并使用unique_ptr指向实现类,但是存在一个特殊的成员函数(例如析构函数)要求该类型的问题完整.这是因为unique_ptr的默认删除程序会在使用delete p之前静态断言要删除的类型是否完整.因此,必须在实现文件中定义类的任何特殊成员函数(而不是由编译器生成),而在实现类定义后 .

I'm reading Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers and he's discussing the use of the pimpl idiom and pointing to the implementation class with unique_ptr, but there is an issue of special member functions (such as destructors) requiring the type to be complete. This is because unique_ptr's default deleter statically asserts whether the type to be deleted is complete, before delete p is used. So any special member functions of the class must be defined in the implementation file (rather than being compiler-generated), after the implementation class has been defined.


At the end of the chapter, he mentions there is no need to define special member functions in the implementation file if the smart pointer used is shared_ptr, and this stems from the way it supports a custom deleter. To quote:


Despite this, I still can't see why shared_ptr could still work without the class being complete. It seems like the only reason there is no compiler error when using shared_ptr is because there is no static assertion like unique_ptr had, and that undefined runtime behaviour could instead occur because of this lack of assertion.

我不知道shared_ptr的析构函数的实现,但是(通过阅读C ++ Primer)我得到的印象是它的工作原理类似于:

I don't know the implementation of the shared_ptr's destructor, but (from reading C++ Primer) I gathered the impression it works something like:

del ? del(p) : delete p;

del是自定义删除器的指针或函数对象. Cppreference 还可以清除shared_ptr析构函数,而无需自定义删除器使用delete p

Where del is a pointer or function object to the custom deleter. Cppreference also makes it clear the shared_ptr destructor with no custom deleter uses delete p

重点强调已删除的类型必须完整的事实. pimpl惯用语的一个最小示例:

Emphasis on the fact that the deleted type must be complete. A minimal example of the pimpl idiom:


#ifndef WIDGET
#define WIDGET

#include <memory>

class Widget{
    struct Impl;
    std::shared_ptr<Impl> pImpl;


#endif // WIDGET


#include <string>
#include "Widget.h"

struct Widget::Impl{
    std::string name;

Widget::Widget(): pImpl(new Impl) {}


#include <iostream>
#include "Widget.h"

int main(){
    Widget a;

编译main.cpp中的Widget a时,将为Widget类型(在main.cpp之内)实例化shared_ptr的模板,并且可能为shared_ptr生成的已编译析构函数包含行,因为我没有提供自定义删除器.但是,此时仍未定义Impl,但仍执行了行delete pImpl.当然,这是不确定的行为吗?

When Widget a in main.cpp is compiled, the template of shared_ptr is instantited for type Widget (within main.cpp) and presumably the resulting compiled destructor for shared_ptr contains execution of the line delete pImpl, because I have not supplied a custom deletor. However at that point, Impl still has not been defined, yet the line delete pImpl is executed. This, surely, is undefined behaviour?


So how is it that when using the pimpl idiom with shared_ptr, I don't have to define the special member functions in the implementation file to avoid undefined behaviour?



The deleter for a shared pointer is created here:

Widget::Widget(): pImpl(new Impl) {}


until that point, all the shared pointer has is the equivalent of a std::funciton<void(Impl*)>.


When you construct a shared_ptr with a T*, it writes a deleter and stores it in the std::function equivalent. At that point the type must be complete.


So the only functions you have to define after Impl is fully defined are those that create a pImpl from a T* of some kind.


09-05 09:10