

我知道当访问属性的setter / getter方法时,我应该使用[ self setThisValue:@a]; ,而不是 thisValue = @a; 然而在下面的例子中我可以看到添加自我文档,我发送消息到iVar属性,而不是局部范围的变量,但它做任何其他的

I understand that when accessing setter / getter methods for properties I should be using [self setThisValue:@"a"]; rather than thisValue = @"a"; However with the example below I can see that adding self documents that I am sending a message to an iVar property rather than a locally scoped variable, but does it do anything else in this case?

@interface CustomController : UIViewController {
    NSMutableArray *foundList;
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *foundList;

[[self foundList] addObject:eachObject]; // I usually write this ...

[foundList addObject:eachObject];



如果你有一个ivar的定义属性,你应该使用它,而不是直接访问ivar。这允许子类重写setter / getter并做一些不同的只是从ivar获取值。

If you have a defined property for an ivar, you should use it rather than accessing the ivar directly. That allows subclasses to override the setter/getter and do something different to just fetching the value from the ivar.


The only exception is in init methods and dealloc.


09-01 17:54